Friday, December 27, 2019
Introduction Background of the Study - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 13 Words: 3837 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? Good corporate governance is the key for the business organization success. Corporate governance explained the rules of governing: board structure, managersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ and boardsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ incentive compensation, decision right by the board and the CEO, succession of the board and CEO, shareholder voting, debt/equity finance, disclosure concerning takeover and etc. Thus, the corporate governance can be defined as a set how the institutional arrange and effect the corporate decision making (Ball, 1998). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Introduction Background of the Study" essay for you Create order Due to the poor corporate governance, the Asian 1997/98 crisis has affected many companies including the Government Link Companies (GLC) around the region because of the poor corporate governance practices which reflected the corporate decision making. Previous researchers have found poor corporate governance consists of over-leveraging (Fraser, D.R, C.Derasid, 2006); lacks of accountability, transparency and financial disclosure (Mitton, 2002) have influences to the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s failure. Furthermore, in the United States, many latest financial reporting scandals have been caused by the poor corporate governance which has oversight during the financial reporting process (Agrawal Chadha, 2005). Most of the corporate governance failures cases recorded in Malaysia are related to billing scheme fraud, financial statement fraud, employeesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ fraud and misappropriation of assets (Haron, 2006). Economic crime actual statistic 2007 showed Asset misappropriation (36%), Corruption and bribery (24%), Accounting Fraud (15%), Money Laundering (5%), IP infringement (9%) and others (7%) cases ( PwC Alert Issue No.72, 2007). Thus, based on the PwC Alert statistic explained that the poor corporate governance caused for the economic crime. This statistical information has motivates this study to examine further the impact on the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast which influence by the corporate governance. 2.0 Problem Statement Accuracy of the analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast depends on many factors that derive to achieve the accuracy of earning. Analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ are the information available in the capital market that links the financial and non-financial information to estimate the earnings (Schipper, 1991). The accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast also linkages to the corporate governance. Previous study shows better corporate governance tends to issue more specific accuracy of the analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast (Ajinkya, Bhoraj, Sengupta, 2005). Byard and Weintrop (2006) find better corporate governance firm contribute to better analyst forecast. The prior studies show the relationship between the corporate governance has influence the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. There are underlying theories such as agency cost where describe the problem between the principal and agent which the accounting asymmetric information exits between the parties. In this study , the researchers believe corporate governance is to reduce information asymmetric. This study chooses the agency theory because ownership structure is use as one of the control variable where the researcher believes the selected companies will have separation between ownership and management which will cause to agency problem. Previous study find managers have more on long term interest rather than the interest of shareholder (Winter, 1999). The problem arises between the manager and shareholder affected the positive role of corporate governance practised in the company. Furthermore, the revised of Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance (MCCG) in October 2007 has enhanced the corporate governance practised in the several aspects. The changes in MCCG have motivated this study to find the influence of MCCG before the revised and after the revised toward the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast in public listed companies. This study will examine the factors of corporate governance that influence the dispersion and error of accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. Thus, the problem statement for this study is to examine the dispersion and error of accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast influence by the corporate governance structure. 2.1 Research Questions 1. What is the effect of corporate governance to the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast? 2. How the corporate governance factors influence the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast? 3. What are the effects of MCCG revised toward the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast? 2.2 Research Objectives Corporate governance reduces the accounting information asymmetric between a company and investors. 2. Board of director efficient role in corporate governance influence the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. 3. The revised MCCG do enhance the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. 3.0 Significance of the Study. The accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast is an important key to enhance the investors confident. The confident levels of investors are depending on the market demand of an organisation which measure by using the available informationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s in the public to forecast the company performance. This study will use corporate governance variables such as the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“CEO Duality Structure, the independent of the Board, The size of the Board and The Governance Role of Audit Committees. Accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast will act as a proxy for the quality of the firmsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ efficiency and effectiveness to achieve the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. Furthermore, to relate between the analystà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"s forecast accuracy and firmsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ governance, this study includes two set of control variable such as firmsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ ownership structure and forecast horizon that affects the analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ „ ¢ forecast accuracy (Byard, Li, Wintrop, 2006). Previous study finds that poor corporate governance tends to reduce the confident level of investors (Noordin, 1999). Prior researchers find poor corporate governance leads to mistake in reporting the financial progress (Agrawal Chadha, 2005). Based in many empirical studies, this study will contribute to enhance the investor confident level and identifies which corporate governance variables are contributes and influence to achieve the accuracy of forecast analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. Furthermore, the revised in Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance in 2007 will impact to the company existing corporate governance. Thus, this study will examine the effect of prior and after effects on corporate governance to the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. 4.0 Literature Review Corporate governance can be defined as a set on how the institutional arrangement can affect the corporate decision making (Ball, 1998). Corporate governance describes the rules of governing: board structure, managersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ and boardsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ incentive compensation, right decision made by the board and the CEO, succession of the board and CEO, shareholder voting, debt/equity finance, disclosure concerning takeover and etc (Verhoven, 1998). While another researcher define corporate governance as whole control systems where a company is directed and controlled with the basic focus toward the role of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“governorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? of the company which is the board of directors (Haron, 2006). The corporate governance will determine how well the organization performance and contribute for good decision making when confronted with the uncertainty issues. The current uncertainty economics condition has weakened many companies around the world because of poor corporate governance. The 1997/98 Asian financial crisis has revealed that lack of corporate governance practices in Malaysia has contributed to the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s failure during the crisis (Wahab, C.Y.How, Verhoeven, 2007). Poor corporate governance leads to mistake in reporting the financial progress (Agrawal Chadha, 2005). Poor corporate governance that identify by previous researchers are such as over-leveraging (Fraser, D.R, C.Derasid, 2006); lack of accountability, transparency and financial disclosure (Mitton, 2002) has influence to the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s failure. Other researchers find during the crisis, variables under the corporate governance are the most explained proportion of the excha nge rate variation, performance of stock market and the other economic variables (Johnson, Boone, Breach, Friedman, 2000). Based on the previous studies, this study is interested to explore about the corporate governance effects on the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast in public listed companies in Bursa Malaysia. The previous researchers find better corporate governance firm contribute to better accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast ( (Byard, Li, Weintrop, 2006). Factors that influencing the good corporate governance are: (i) quality board of directors, (ii) quality audit committee, (iii) effective internal audit function, (iv) quality internal control system in place and (v) independent external auditors (Haron, 2006). In this study, the researcher will examine the corporate governance variables such as the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“CEO Duality Structure, the independent of the Board, The size of the Board and The Independent Director of Audit Committees. Accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast will act as a proxy for quality of the firmsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ efficiency and effectiv eness to achieve the accuracy of the analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. Furthermore, to relate between the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast and firmsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ corporate governance, this study includes two set of control variable such as firmsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ ownership structure and forecast horizon that affects the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast (Byard, Li, Wintrop, 2006). 4.1 Corporate Governance 4.1.1 The à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“CEO Dualityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? structure à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“CEO Dualityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? exists when an organization has the person hold the CEO position and at the same time is a chairman of Board of Director in the company. The duality or multiple positions such as chairman and board of director are common practiced among the listed firm in Malaysia (Haron, 2006). Previous researchers find company CEOà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s that acting dual role do have lesser shareholder return (Rechner D.R.Dalton, 1989). However, other researchers find the duality role of a CEO can lead to positive relationship to performance under certain industry condition such as resource scarcity or high complexity and the effect on other economic conditions is negative (Donaldson, 1991). This mean the duality role has negative relationship with the return except under the condition of resources scarcity or high complexity. Another study also finds the presence of CEO Duality in organization has significantly negative relationship with the accuracy of analysts à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast (Byrad, Li, Weintrop, 2006). 4.1.2 The Independent Board of Directors Independent Board of Director who is does not hold any executive position in the organization. The independent directors are responsible to make independent judgments in strategy, performance, resources, key appointment and etc. Thus, the independent board of directors must free from any relationship with the management that will bias during the judgment exercise. Previous study shows, majority number of independent board of director during the tenders offered to biddersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ results zero stock price return (Byrd Hickman., 1992). While the bidders without the independent board suffer statistically loses on 1.8 percent on average (Leng Chang, 2004). Previous study also find the relationship between the proportion of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“inside directorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? and bidder stock price return is significantly negative (You, R. Caves, Henry, 1986). The finding shows that organization that have more independent directors tend to be more profitable compare to the organizatio n that has lesser independent directors. Furthermore, the additional of outside directors has pushed the stock price increase on average by 0.2 percent (Rosenstein Wyatt, 1990). The independent board of director has significantly positive relationship with the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast (Byrad, Li, Weintrop, 2006) 4.1.3 Board of Director Size. Board director size is referring to the total number of director exist in the organization. Previous researcher used the agency theory and assumed that larger board will consists of various education background, industrial background, and also skills (Haron, 2006). The quality of an organization to monitor and decision making are depending on the board of directorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ size which will determine the organization performance. Thus, what size whether large or small board of directors? The previous study find the board of directorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ size should be small because small size will lead the board function effectively (Smale, Patricoft, D.Marcus, D.W.Johnson, 1995). However, the size of the organization also determines the size of the boards: larger the company has larger the number of boards. The consequences of larger board of directors are reduce the ability of board to control CEO (Lipton J.Lorsh, 1992) and slower the decision making (Kole K.Lehn, 1997). P rior studies also do not specified recommended the number of directors but the companies should allow the active boards which have ability to make effective decision and performing their function. 4.1.4 The Independent Director of Audit Committees Audit committee is a committee formally appointed by full board and responsible to consider and report on matters comprised of financial reporting and governance procedures and the organization audit and other matters which referred by the board (Kulansingam, 2002). Several study find presence of an audit committee is associated with lesser incidences of error in financial reporting. For example, previous researcher find organization that has audit committee would likely more reliable financial reporting such as absence of material errors, irregularities and illegal act (Kulansingam, 2002). Klein ( 2002) finds negative relationship between the audit committee and management earning. However, previous study found that more independent audit committee does not improve the quality of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast accuracy (Byrad, Li, Weintrop, 2006). 4.2 Control Variables 4.2.1 Ownership Structure Ownership structure is also known as Board of director ownership where it works as direct incentives to the manager who has the favour to act like the shareholdersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ interest. (Weishbach, 1988). The ownership structure is one of the major corporate governance mechanisms that help to monitor the agency problem (Jensen Meckling, 1976). Control the agency problem in organization able to enhance the firmsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ wealth (McConnell Servaes, 1990). Another researcher find that reduce of agency problem is link to the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast (Hope, 2003). Thus, ownership structures where the top manager holds the more percentage of stocks are likely to make decision to maximizing the shareholdersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ wealth. 4.2.2 Forecast Horizon Based on the previous studies, firm characteristic was included as a control variable to determinant of the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. Forecast horizon is an important element to obtain the accuracy outcome of information. The different duration of forecast period can result different result and assumption. For example, previous study that the shorten forecast horizon tend to result less biased and less extreme (Capstaff, Paudyal, Rees, 1995). This mean the longer the forecast horizon is more exposure to more biased and more extreme. The shorten and longer horizon are depending on the analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ reputation which the longer horizon required more information compare to shorten horizon forecast because the more longer the analysts mean more information available which will affect the analysts credibility. 4.3 Accuracy of Analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ Forecast 4.3.1 Dispersion Dispersion occurred when the disagreement among the analyst with the regard to expected Earnings per share (EPS) of a given form (Athanassakos Kalimipalli, 2003). Previous study finds that accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast has negative relationship with dispersion (Imhoff G. J. Lobo, 1992). To overcome this problem, previous researcher finds that availability of information will enhance the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast and reduce the degree of dispersion (Kwon, 2002). Hence, this study will use dispersion result to determine the accuracy earning which influence by corporate governance factors. 4.3.2 Error Forecast error is the difference between the actual or real and the predicted or forecast value of a time series or any other phenomenon of interest. Abarbanell and Bernard (1992) find that errors are positively related to the prior earnings change. The available information is important to obtained forecast accuracy. Ball and Brawn (1968) find that accounting information is use to predict the earning price. Kim and Verrecchia (1991) find the positive relationship between share-price response and the accuracy of management forecasts. While another study find negative relationship between the share-price and management forecasts errors (Laurent, 2000). Based on previous studies, this study will use corporate governance factors to influence the forecast error and determining the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. 5.0 Conceptual Framework Hypotheses Development. Independent Variable Dependent Variable ACCURACY OF ANALYSTSà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ FORECAST CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The independent of the Board 1. Dispersion The size of the Board 2. Error The CEO Duality Structure The Independent of Audit Committee Ownership Structure ii. Forecast Horizon Control Variables Four hypotheses are develops in this study: H1 relates to the link between the independent of Board and accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. H2 relates to the link between the size of Board and accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. H3 relates to the link between the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“CEO Dualityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? structure and accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. H4 relates to link between the independent of Audit Committee and accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. 5.1 The independent of Board and Accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. Independent Board of Director who is does not hold any executive position in the organization. Core, Holthausen Larker (1999) specify that fewer independent of Board of director cause to poor monitoring. The independent board of director has significantly positive relationship with the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast (Byrad, Li, Weintrop, 2006). H1: Higher number of independent of board is associated with higher accuracy of analysts forecast. 5.2 Size of Board and Accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. Board director size is referring to the total number of director exist in the organization. Previous researcher used the agency theory and assumed that larger board will consists of various education background, industrial background, and also skills (Haron, 2006). Based on Yermack (1996) larger board reduce the board effectiveness. The previous study find the board of directorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ size should be small because small size will lead the board function effectively (Smale, Patricoft, D.Marcus, D.W.Johnson, 1995). H2: Accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast has negatively associated with the Size of board. 5.3 The à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“CEO Dualityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? Structure and Accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“CEO Dualityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? exists when an organization has the person hold the CEO position and at the same time is a chairman of Board of Director in the company. The duality or multiple positions such as chairman and board of director are common practiced among the listed firm in Malaysia (Haron, 2006). Prior studies argue find that present of CEO Duality in an organization is reflecting to poor governance (Jensen, 1993; Yermack, 1996). Previous researchers find company CEOà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s that acting dual role do have lesser shareholder return (Rechner D.R.Dalton, 1989) H3: Accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast has negatively associated to CEO Duality. 5.4 Independent of Audit Committee and Accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast Audit committee is a committee formally appointed by full board and responsible to consider and report on matters comprised of financial reporting and governance procedures and the organization audit and other matters which referred by the board (Kulansingam, 2002). Several study find presence of an audit committee is associated with lesser incidences of error in financial reporting. Klein (2002b) finds that less independent of audit committee cause decreases in earning management. H4: Accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast has positively associated with Independent of Audit Committee. 6. Research Methodology 6.1 Sample Selection To pursue this study, firstly the researcher has to select 100 companies which are listed in Bursa Malaysia. The selection of companies is base on random sampling. The researcher will use fully the secondary data in this study. The information sources will basically from the Company Annual Report and Institutional Broker Estimate System (IBES) consist of year 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. This study uses information from year 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 because the MCCG start revised on 2007. So, this study will examine the effect of corporate governance before revised and after revised. The Annual Report of the selected companies can be obtained from the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s website from internet. IBES provides data to calculate analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast accuracy which can be obtained from DataStream System and the system is available in Management School, University Sains Malaysia. Based on the information, this study will compare the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast between year 2006 to 2007, 2006 to 2008 and 2006 to 2009. This study will use 2006 as the final year of before revised and compare it with the 2007, 2008 and 2009 which are after revised. The implementation of revised corporate governance is mandated to all public listed companies. Thus, this study will examine the effect of the corporate governance before the revised on 2006 and the revised on 2007 until 2009 to the Malaysian Public Listed Companies. Furthermore, this study will examine the different between the actual earning and forecast earning. This will identify the dispersion and error between the actual and forecast earnings. 6.2 Measure the forecast Accuracy To measure the accuracy, this study follows the previous study done by Duru and Reeb (2002). For each firm-year 2006 to 2009, this study will estimate the ACCURACY as the total different between the IBES consent forecast of annual earnings (made 9 months before the earnings announcement date) and the actual annual earnings which reported by IBES. ACCURACY = (-1) (FCAST-ACTUAL) PRICE Where ACTUAL is the actual annual earnings which reported by IBES; FCAST is the consent analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast made nine months before the end of the fiscal year; and PRICE is the closing stock price one day before the consent analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. 6.3 Measure of Corporate Governance This study will use Annual Report of the selected companies to obtain the corporate governance information. This study will look into four (4) dimensions under the corporate governance factors; the independent of the Board, the size of the Board, the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“CEO Dualityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? structure and the independent of Audit Committee. Based on the information, this study will estimate four (4) proxies for a company. This study will use EVIEWS software to analyse the descriptive, univariate and multivariate regression. 6.4 Control Variables When estimating the relationship between the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast and the corporate governance, this study include two sets of control variables. The first control variable is ownership structure and second control variable is forecast horizons that affect the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. Since this study measure four (4) proxies for corporate governance at the end of prior year, this study will also measure the ownership structure and forecast horizon at the same time. At the end current year, which is the same time this study measure accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. 7.0 Expected Findings This study expected the corporate governance will influence the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast in selected to Malaysian public listed companies. This result will consistent to previous study finds that better corporate governance tends to issue more specific accuracy of the analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast (Ajinkya, Bhoraj, Sengupta, 2005). Byard and Weintrop (2006) find better corporate governance firm contribute to better analyst forecast. To examine the affect on the corporate governance, this study examines few dimensions under corporate governance which effect the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. This study expected the hypotheses conducted under study will result consistent with the previous result. 7.1 Relationship between the independent of Board and Accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast This study expects the findings will shows the independent of board has positively associated with the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. Then, this finding is consistent with previous study; the independent board of director has significantly positive relationship with the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast (Byrad, Li, Weintrop, 2006). This outcome will show the situation of selected companies whether the corporate governance practise in the companies contribute to achieve accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. 7.2 Relation between the Size of Board and Accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. This study expects the findings will shows the size of board has negatively associated with accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. This is consistent with previous study by Yermack (1996) find larger board reduce the board effectiveness. The size of the recommended board is not discover by previous researcher, however, the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast which measures under dispersion and error will determine the appropriate size for the selected companies. 7.3 Relationship between the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“CEO Dualityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? Structure and Accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast This study expects the finding will shows the CEO Duality has negatively associated with the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. This is consistent with previous study that finds the presence of CEO Duality in organization has significantly negative relationship with the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast (Byrad, Li, Weintrop, 2006). Most of the Malaysian companies exist the present of CEO Duality structure. Thus, this dimension will clarify how the selected companies practice their corporate governance in the companies. 7.4 Relationship between the Independent of Audit Committee and Accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. This study expects the findings will shows the Independent of audit committee has positively associated with the Accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast. This is consistent with the previous study by Klein (2002b) finds that less independent of audit committee cause decreases in earning management. Thus, the result of this finding will provide the effect of independent audit committee role in the selected companies contribute toward the accuracy of analystsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ forecast.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Citizen Soldiers essay - 576 Words
In the book Citizen Soldiers by Stephen E. Ambrose, the title explains mainly what the book is about. The title itself gives you the insight about how the war was fought through the perspective of a regular citizen fighting in the biggest war in history. During the war there were many casualties, as a result more regular citizens were being drafted to go right into battle. In this book Ambrose exemplifies the fact that there were many regular citizens in the war and that they took the situation that they were in and made better of it and overcame it to come home as heroes. The men of the story were ordinary citizens put into an extraordinary situation and came out on top. These men often bonded together through some of the harder times,†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The soldiers in the book also had many knew chances to bond together during the war while still concentrating of fighting. â€Å"I never observed any loners on the front line†¦The men automatically paired up. The buddy system worked very well; it provided additional security†¦it provided additional warmth†¦.We were a team, and sharing the adversities of the elements and combat brought us together and created a bond.†Sergeant Egger expressed his observations from the newer soldiers of the company. This quote expresses what was said and what came out of the war due to the fact that everyone had basically the same amount of training because they were normal everyday people from the states and not highly trained soldiers of the U.S Army. This bond was the only thing the soldiers of the army could rely on, the fact that they knew the man standing next to him could and would take a bullet for him and the fact that there was no competitive nature between most of the newer recruits. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The book Citizen Soldiers gave me a bigger perspective on how the life of an average soldier was before, during, and after the war due to the stress of going into the war, the bond they made during the war, and the aftereffects of having made those bonds and sharing the times they had together during the war. That experience could have turned out to beShow MoreRelatedAmerican Patriots: Soldiers, Citizens, And Voters Essay1188 Words  | 5 Pagesopposed those positions were right. Had those right-minded people not openly voiced their disapproval of what the government was doing, our history would not reflect the democratic principles it so publicly espouses. 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In fact, the author expressedRead MoreThe Disregard Of Life During War1654 Words  | 7 PagesThe Disregard for Human Life during War Times The quality of life for soldiers of war has decreased and basic necessities are lost. The value of civilian lives is also lost in the disputes between two countries. An example of this is, â€Å"Something was being burned there. A truck drew close and unloaded its hold: small children. Babies! Yes, I did see this, with my own eyes†¦ children thrown into the flames†(Wiesel 33). The above quote from Night by Elie Wiesel represents the disregard of life andRead MoreEssay on The Meaning of the Gettysburg Address564 Words  | 3 PagesEssay on the Meaning of the Gettysburg Address While the Gettysburg Address is fairly short in length at around 300 words, this famous speech delivered by President Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1963 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is both enduring and meaningful for all Americans today, almost exactly 146 years later. The first paragraph of his speech sets the tone, in which Lincoln does not directly mention the bloody Battle of Gettysburg, in which 50,000 soldiers lost their lives. Instead, heRead More The Fall of the Roman Empire Due to Army, Citizens, Barbarianism1587 Words  | 7 PagesPROBLEMS      The Roman Empire was plunged into military anarchy and raided by barbarous Germanic tribes causing a major burden from an economic standpoint. Emperors, feeling pressure from all directions, resorted to manners which depleted army and citizen moral. The personal dreams of empirical leaders was never capable of re-stabilizing the Empire after the invasions. For instance, Constantine created a â€Å"substantial field force where he recruited many regiments from Germany. He greatly increasedRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Child Soldiers1291 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"Over the last ten years, two million children have been killed in conflict. Over one million have been orphaned, [and] over six million have been seriously injured or permanently disabled†according to Children in Conflict: Child Soldiers. In poor, war-stricken countries, impotent children starting from the young age of 5 are being forcibly recruited, kidnapped, and inhumanly threatened into joining sanguinary, brutal wars. These impuissant kids are often appallingly injected with drugsRead MoreThe Role the Media Played in Helping the United States Join World War II1142 Words  | 5 Pagesinvestigated. Leaders of all the Allie Forces will be evaluated in this essay. The essay will focus primarily on the rise of media impact on the citizens of the United States. The Soviet Union will be mentioned but only minor. Two of the sources used in this essay Freed om Forge: How American Business Produced Victory in World War Two by Arthur Herman and World War II in Europe by World Book: Chicago are evaluated and used in this essay. â€Æ' Summary of Evidence Propaganda Posters †¢ â€Å"Roosevelt thought that
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Role of Project Management free essay sample
It worth’s to direct this discussion into a imaginary period where basic project management concepts doesn’t exist rather than just expressing the role of project management at the beginning, which would ,at the conclusion of writing may give a clear picture to the reader what I had been trying to convey here. Actually, implementing a project without project management principles would be a mess. There may not be many practical examples to prove this because all the ongoing projects and the completed ones are done according to the methodologies of project management. Without these methodologies there would be no obvious plan, goals, time or cost limitations to be dealt with. The responsible team would not know where they are going, what are the specifics, who will do what and when. As the result, the project would stop where it began leaving some painful losses for the relative initiators. So, the role of project management has a massive impact on the success in any project as it drives the whole structure on the right path. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Project Management or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Simply, project management can be elaborated as managing four basic elements of a project which are resources, time, money and most importantly the scope. All these elements are interrelated and should be balanced and managed together in order to reach the pinnacle. Being oblivious in one element could cost the whole project to be a loss. Accurate managing of above mentioned elements describes the role of project management. Identifying the scope of project is the priority here which teaches what and where the limitations are. It is equally important to define what is not included in the scope of project. So the process would not jump off the track at the implementation level. The management should concentrate on the available resources as well and they have to determine human resources, machinery and equipments and money allocated for the specific project and should see whether they can deliver or not with the availability. Can the project management reach the ‘finish’ mark within the given time frame? This is the next question to be answered by them, not verbally but by actions. It is not practical and realistic that the plan can be implemented as it is in the book. So time management and deadline of the project becomes a challenge for the management team. Change of plans take place due to various reasons such as economical, social, and technological values. Let’s say, as an example a building which should be constructed according to the project needs to be expanded to enhance the architectural view and economical lucrative of it. So the role of the management here is to come up with a solution such as doing overtime in order to complete the task within the deadline. Next duty of the project management is to develop a plan including series of steps they are going to follow. For better results, a discussion of the management team or the staff would be ideal and questions will be asked and contradictory ideas will pop up at the meeting. Therefore, much agreed plan would remain ultimately. After the completion of planning the project management should step in to the implementation level. Most often than not, there will be slow progress in the beginning. But with the working unit getting used to the system will accelerate it. Anyhow, the progress of the project needs to be monitored carefully by the project management. That would help to identify issues in every department. Giving immediate solutions for the problems will stop any bad effects. Project management has to document everything. Most essentials are the changes, added features, removed features.. Etc. If any problem arises after the completion of the project these documents gives the guidance to solve it.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Lords Of Discipline By Pat Conroy Essays - The Citadel,
Lords Of Discipline By Pat Conroy The Lords of Discipline by Pat Conroy "I wear the ring and return often to the city of Charleston, South Carolina, to study the history of my becoming a man", (Conroy, 1). The Lords of Discipline is essentially the story of Will McLean growing up and learning what it really means to be an honorable man. He began the book as one person: a young, naive cadet in his senior year who used humor to keep everyone from seeing how troubled he was. The book ends with Will as a wholly different person due to catastrophic events that happened during the course of his final year at the Carolina Military Institute. Will endured the"plebe year" at the Institute, he fell in love with a pregnant girl, uncovered a well-hidden misuse of power in the Institute and because of that discovery, suffered the death of a close friend and the loss of many other people he thought he could trust. All these events contribute in different ways to Will becoming an honorable man. Will enrolled in the Institute because his father, on his deathbed, made him promise to graduate from the Institute, just as he had. He went on a basketball scholarship, unaware of the brutal initiation required for all freshman. Within the first minute of him arriving at registration, he was beaten and humiliated by upperclassmen. Then, he and the rest of his class were subjected to physical and mental torture whenever and wherever possible. They were afraid to use the bathroom, so they used the sinks in their rooms. The "plebes" , as the freshmen were called, also had"sweat parties" every night. All the doors in the room were locked and the heater was turned on. Then everyone lined up and followed the commands of the"cadre", upperclassmen. "My body took asylum in a mental and physical paralysis," (p. 147). The idea of the hazing was to separate the strong and capable cadets from the flimsy and weak. If a cadet whom was thought to be unworthy survived the hazing, they were treated to "The Taming". The cadre would find the weakness of the plebe and exploit it. If they were afraid of bugs, the cadre would cover the plebes body with insects until he agreed to leave the Institute. One boy, Bobby Bentley had managed to survive all the cadres had put him through. They picked on him because he wet his pants. All his classmate were rooting for him and helped him whenever he was being picked on. The angered the cadre more than anything. Then, all of a sudden, Bobby disappeared. All his belongings were packed. He vanished from the Institute. In the midst of all the turmoil around him, Will managed to survive, and even make some friends. Dante Pignetti, a poor, muscled Italian from New York, Mark Santoro, a loyal Yankee, and Tradd St. Croix, a wealthy Charleston aristocrat following in the footsteps of his father became his roommates. These four would form bonds that lasted all four years they attended the institute. Mark and "Pig" were the defenders for Tradd and Will. Tradd was teased for being effeminate and called "the honey prince". Will got in trouble for his sharp tongue and unwavering loyalty to the Honor Code of the school. The four of them made it to the end of the school year. There was twenty-eight in their class. Thirty-two had dropped out along the way. There was a picnic to celebrate the end of the year and the survival of the twenty-eight. The upperclassmen were there. Will vows "I will not be like them. I shall bear witness against them" (p. 206). He sensed something sinister and immoral under the surface, and decided he would we the one to uncover it. The torture he endured in the plebe year made him mentally and physically stronger. It also made him want to be all the more honorable than those around him. The book jumps ahead to Will's senior year. It was time for him to participate in the torture of the plebes. He showed little interest and tried to save who ever he could from being overwhelmed by the cadre. He saw a fat kid name Poteete being singled out for stronger punishment. Poteete cried whenever faced with the cadre. He refused to quit the school, another southerner being forced to follow in their fathers footsteps. A few days after meeting Will, he attempts to commit suicide. They find him hanging
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Essay on Human Resources
Essay on Human Resources Essay on Human Resources Sample Essay on Human Resources: My basic plan if hired App sense being a leader in user virtualization for enterprise organizations has in the past won this title through what I believe is sheer hard work from all the concerned quarters of the company. I take note of the fact that App sense has managed to win awards due to the fact I have just outlined. In light of this view, my basic plan is focused in maintaining the success of App Sense and at the same time take it to higher levels. Secondly, I strongly believe that for any company to flourish and prosper in its returns and profits, the organizational culture should be cohesive. Therefore I will strive to get acquainted to my workmates so as to enable a harmonious working environment that is aimed at achieving high performance. (Stutley) Thirdly, it is a known fact that customer satisfaction, cohesiveness among workmates and good relations between the management and employees are some of the factors that are the backbone of a human resource manager. Once again, I take note that App Sense has already established itself in these fields. I say established because the company has realized customers all over the world. Customers like: JP Morgan Chase, Lowes, United Airlines, Wachovia, ESPN and Richard Ellis. My basic plan here is to try and ensure that these worldwide customers are fully satisfied in terms of customer services. While keeping this in mind, I will also develop techniques of increasing the company’s global network. In increasing the global network, as a human resource manager, I will ensure good relations are fostered between the company and the customers so as to secure a long lasting relationship. Outline form of a 30-60-90 plan My first 30 day plan will be geared towards making myself familiar with App Sense Company. By this I mean I will learn company systems. Since App Sense is a company that largely involves the use of systems as its product; user virtualization manages user specific information of the desktop and applying this information on any given desktop- I will have to learn more about this so as to be fully conscious and get a technical knowhow. Secondly, I will strive to master the product knowledge in this case being user virtualization. Thirdly, I will ensure that I address important and immediate needs of the company and also identify areas that should be given priority for action. Lastly, it is vital that I meet with other key members of the company and other key players so as to familiarize myself with them with the aim of learning more about company processes, policies, procedures, norms and the general management structure of the company. My plan for the next thirty days will largely involve the clientele of the company. By this I mean I will ensure that I am introduced to the customers and that I also review customer satisfaction. By reviewing customer satisfaction, I mean seeing if there are ways I might enhance the company-customer relationship with the aim of better results. Also I will strive to ensure that the workforce is not only united but committed to excel. My final thirty days plan will be aimed at reviewing the recruiting structure of the company, reviewing the various functions of the workforce, engaging all departments in effective communication that I might be able to get to know of the situations at hand, reviewing financial records and seeing that business functions are adequately catered for. Research and Review of the Company App Sense, as I have noted above is in the business of user virtualization which entails managing user specific information and applying this information to any desktop. In light of this view I will ensure that I review the company processes and policies so as to see what I can enhance or improve on these issues. With the aim of improving internal competition I will instill competitiveness by reviewing and improving the rewards given by the company by offering rewards on the basis of performance among employee.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free Essays on Nikeof Samothrace
Nike of Samothrace and the Portrayal of Nike in Greek Statuary "Styx, the daughter of Okeanos, lay in love with the giant Pallas (a Titan), and in his mansion gave birth to a Zelus (Emulation) and fair-ankled Nike (Victory) in the house. Also she brought forth Cratos (Strength) and Bia (Force), wonderful children." (Theogony, lines 383-385). From Theogony, the myth of Nike was born. She was depicted frequently through the centuries in Greek art. The style supports her depiction as commemorating a victory in the lives of the Greeks. One of her most famous renderings is called the â€Å"Winged Victory†or â€Å"Nike of Samothrace†. The Winged Victory was discovered in 1862 in Samothrace, Greece. Samothrace is an island claimed by the Micaneans. Much of the Nike is damaged. Originally the Nike was found in over 200 pieces with the base missing for decades. The head, right foot, and arms have never been recovered. Cracks from reconstruction cover the body. Still, much of the Nike has been restored to a recognizable and detailed sculpture. â€Å"†¦it was in the exedra or portico of the elevated Sanctuary of the Great Gods that this massive Nike was displayed, shown as if she were alighting on the prow of a ship. The sculpted prow itself was a set in a pool of water, whose surface must have been ruffled by sea breezes†(Spivey 207) The piece is a free standing sculpture made of Rhodesian marble. The date of the piece is highly debated because of the wide period that the style took place in. After the conquest of Alexander the Great, the High Classical style was frozen in time for centuries with few stylistic changes. However, most scholars attribute the work to have been commissioned between 300 BC and 31 BC by Demetreius, son of Alexander the Great. The cause for construction was a victory, most likely the great naval battle of Ptolemy off the islands of Cypriot Salamis and led by Demetreius. Demetreius was accepted as a self proclai... Free Essays on Nikeof Samothrace Free Essays on Nikeof Samothrace Nike of Samothrace and the Portrayal of Nike in Greek Statuary "Styx, the daughter of Okeanos, lay in love with the giant Pallas (a Titan), and in his mansion gave birth to a Zelus (Emulation) and fair-ankled Nike (Victory) in the house. Also she brought forth Cratos (Strength) and Bia (Force), wonderful children." (Theogony, lines 383-385). From Theogony, the myth of Nike was born. She was depicted frequently through the centuries in Greek art. The style supports her depiction as commemorating a victory in the lives of the Greeks. One of her most famous renderings is called the â€Å"Winged Victory†or â€Å"Nike of Samothrace†. The Winged Victory was discovered in 1862 in Samothrace, Greece. Samothrace is an island claimed by the Micaneans. Much of the Nike is damaged. Originally the Nike was found in over 200 pieces with the base missing for decades. The head, right foot, and arms have never been recovered. Cracks from reconstruction cover the body. Still, much of the Nike has been restored to a recognizable and detailed sculpture. â€Å"†¦it was in the exedra or portico of the elevated Sanctuary of the Great Gods that this massive Nike was displayed, shown as if she were alighting on the prow of a ship. The sculpted prow itself was a set in a pool of water, whose surface must have been ruffled by sea breezes†(Spivey 207) The piece is a free standing sculpture made of Rhodesian marble. The date of the piece is highly debated because of the wide period that the style took place in. After the conquest of Alexander the Great, the High Classical style was frozen in time for centuries with few stylistic changes. However, most scholars attribute the work to have been commissioned between 300 BC and 31 BC by Demetreius, son of Alexander the Great. The cause for construction was a victory, most likely the great naval battle of Ptolemy off the islands of Cypriot Salamis and led by Demetreius. Demetreius was accepted as a self proclai...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Recommended strategy for Delta Airline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Recommended strategy for Delta Airline - Essay Example The current and revised objectives of the organization is to provide ‘safe and reliable’ transport by air, provide ‘distinctive customer service’ as well as embrace higher standards of ‘hospitality’ in trading operations (Pratt institute, 2014). The achievement/realization of the objectives as they are is wholly dependent on the adoption of appropriate strategies by the organization. In fact, the effectiveness of imposing the strategies as they are determine the realization of the objectives and thus it is sure that proper implementation of the strategies is the only most feasible way of ensuring realization of the objectives as they are. The cooperation has certain major alternative strategies as the driving force for the realization of the set objectives. The strategies as they are meant to facilitate the realization of ‘improved customer experiences’, good and strong ‘balance sheet’ as well as increased ‘revenue generation’ for the cooperation. The major strategies that have been pointed out have been reduction in fuel costs, reduced product and employee costs, improve customer experience through modernization, targeting numbers and improving on competition (Moskowitz, 2013). The company designs and imposes business strategies through cooperate agreements which is effective in aiding in building corporate interest and trust. In reducing fuel costs, the strategy has been imposed through the purchase of an oil refinery (trainer oil refinery) which has the capacity of helping the cooperation cut on the costs up to about $300 million in an year. This strategy holds a lot in benef its to be reaped basic of which is on reduction in operation costs and increase in profit margins for the cooperation. However, it has the shortcoming that initial investment into the buying of the refinery is very high and hence may destabilize the operating balance sheet to the company. In reducing costs of operation and employee costs, the cooperation looks
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Is corporal punishment an effective discipline technique for families Essay
Is corporal punishment an effective discipline technique for families or does the evidence show it does more harm than good to cihildren discuss - Essay Example This is because the main idea behind punishment of a child is to discourage unwanted behavior immediately; corporal punishment is usually effective in achieving this goal (Holden et al., 1999). According to Gershoff 2002), the prime objective that most parents have while administering corporal punishment on to their children is to stop them from being disobedient at once. Corporate punishment is effective if and only if it is administered after a transgression and must be immediate and should not be discriminated. However, even though all these criterions are met, most of parents fail to achieve the desired results from the child, hence in the end; corporal punishment tends to lose meaning and purpose. The common ground and goal, which is to ensure that the child gets meaning from the punishment, fails (Larzelere, 2000). Corporal punishment has failed to allow children to develop moral internalizations on their own, since instead of promoting better social behavior corporal punishment hinders this attribute. This is because even though corporal punishment achieves this in the short term, the moral internalization of a child is affected (Gerdshoff, 2002). They further state that, the long-term socialization goal for a child development is to take behavior and attitude as their own internal development, and not be driven by anticipation of external consequences such as from corporal punishment. Clearly, a child needs to be given room and space to develop mentally and make judgment calls for their actions, without being driven by consequences of corporal punishments (Afifi, 2012). Moreover, corporal punishment has the impetus of encouraging antisocial and aggressive behaviors among children in the end. This is true since the administration of this form of punishment negatively affects parent child relation. According to the attribution and social control theory posed by Burt et al. in Gershoff (2002), corporal
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Instructional strategies & approaches 2 Essay Example for Free
Instructional strategies approaches 2 Essay According to Barbara Gross Davis, author of Tools for Teaching (1993), students learn best when they participate actively in the process. A lot of research has been made on collaborative learning, or learning in groups, and it has been proven that no matter the subject matter, students learn more this way. Working in groups help students learn and retain more about what is taught to them than when they are taught using other means. Davis enumerates three general types of group work. The first type is informal learning groups. These groups aren’t permanent and may be done in a single session. An example of this is asking the students to turn to their seatmate and discuss a particular question. In any case, this kind of grouping may be done in a class of any size at any time to check the level of understanding of the students, give them a way to apply what they have learned or to have a change in the learning pace. The second type is formal learning groups, which can be organized to do specific tasks like writing a report, doing a lab experiment or making a project. The tasks can be completed in one session or over a few weeks, until the students have finished the activity and are given a grade. The last type of group is a study team. Such groups are usually long-term, like a whole semester or course, and have permament members wherein each member is responsible for helping each other to complete course requirements and assignments and to provide support and encouragement. A student with a study team can ask his teammates to update him on classes or activities he might have missed. Study teams are valuable in courses that have a large class size and a complex topic. With that in mind, it is then appropriate to inquire as to how to group these students so that they would learn the most. Davis cites examples on how one could group the students: the teacher can assign randomly so that a mix of different students are in one group; the teacher can let the students choose their groupmates; the teacher, himself, forms the groups taking into account the students’ differences; or the teacher asks the students first on their preferences and then makes assignments. Whichever the case, Davis argues that these types of grouping have their own advantages and disadvantages and can be used depending on circumstance. After all, the teacher cannot assume that just because the students have been grouped and asked to work cooperatively, that they would actually do so. It should always be remembered that a group is composed of different individuals with different personalities, skills, concerns, temperament, etc. Thus, the teacher should be flexible, yet firm, and always ready to give assistance. In addition to considering the combination of students in a group, its size should also be given equal attention. According to researches done by Cooper (1990), Johnson, Johnson, and Smith (1991) and Smith (1986) as cited by Davis, groups with a maximum of five members would work best since a larger number would decrease the opportunity for the group members to actively participate. They also add that the group size should be smaller if the members are less skillful and time available for the group work is shorter. Furthermore, the level of the task should also be considered. Simple tasks like solving a math problem or planting a seedling would be enough for small groups. On the other hand, complex tasks, such as a chemistry experiment that would require students to research and report, are better done by a bigger group (Knowles, 2005). Of course, students are individuals that have different learning abilities. Some teacher group the class according to these abilities. According to the Westchester Institute for Human Services Research (2002), ability grouping is the practice of dividing students according to their perceived learning capacities. The two most common ways of grouping via ability is within-in class grouping and between-class grouping. The former refers to the division of students with the same abilities into small groups. This is usually seen in Math or Reading classes. Between-class grouping refers to division of students into varying courses or classes according to their achievement. In a nutshell, ability grouping caters to the difference between students. Each group formed with this strategy may be using different materials that are unique and will address their needs. In general, research shows that within-class grouping produces better results than mixed ability grouping. Within-class grouping can promote faster learning since the students are learning with people of the same level and pace. Thus, fast learners can cover more topics without being dragged by the slow learners. On the other hand, as learning progresses it is only appropriate that the task difficulty also increase, and in line with that, the group composition and number. A more difficult task would require a larger group to execute successfully. Thus, if a class was previously divided into smaller groups, the teacher can merge these groups to form a larger group. In relation with this, the teacher should again consider the composition of the groups. Ideally, it is better that the group be as heterogenous as possible but should also contain a fair number of the assets, those with previous relevant coursework or language proficient, and liabilities, those with negative attitudes toward the course or language problems, in a class. Whole group instruction is usually used when introducing a new topic, new materials or new strategies to the whole class. In this way, the teacher can build a common experience between the students which can later be an avenue for further exploration of the topic and improvement in their problem solving and other skills (Valentino, 2000). On the other hand, group or collaborative learning cannot always be used despite its good results. Since topics have to be discussed within a certain timeframe, it is very hard to use collaborative learning often since such strategy really takes a lot of time. Thus, for courses that covers a broad, complex topic, like general chemistry or physics, it is advisable to make the students form a study team. For example, in chemistry, experiments may be done by a whole group. They can perform one experiment and help each other analyze their data and understand what they just did. In such a setting, not only will it minimize the concerns of the teacher, it would also help those students who come to class unprepared. At least, with group mates, there would still be an avenue for them to cope with the lesson. Also, Also, collaborative learning would be beneficial if the class size is large. As mentioned earlier, a heterogenous group is ideal. A teacher would want to distribute those who’ve already understood the topic or are fast learners among those that are still coping or having some difficulty. What the teacher can do, then, is determine the students that could be classified among the two groups. Generally, the teacher can determine the ‘assets’ and ‘liabilities’ by observation, diagnostic tests or group dynamics activity or by asking other teachers and his students. Such a technique would ensure that someone in the group knows what’s happening in class and possibly give assistance to his groupmates. In conclusion, group or collaborative learning is very beneficial to students. However, the success of such activities would depend on the composition and size of the group, as well as the level of learning of the students. The teacher should know when to use this strategy and he should be well prepared, organized and flexible when doing so. References Davis, BG. (1993). Collaborative Learning: Group Work and Study Team. Tools for Teaching.Retrieved August 16, 2007, from http://teaching. berkeley. edu/bgd/collaborative. html Knowles, P. (2005). Thoughts on Student Grouping: Teaching Decisions. Retrieved August 16, 2007, from http://www. netc. org/[emailprotected]/classrooms/peter/working/grouping. html Valentino, C. (2000). Flexible Grouping. Retrieved August 31, 2007, from http://www. eduplace. com/science/profdev/articles/valentino. html Westchester Institute for Human Services Research (2002). Ability Grouping. The Balanced View: Research-based information on timely topics. Vol. 6, No. 2.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Andrew Carnegie Essay -- Biography Biographies
Andrew Carnegie Andrew Carnegie always thought reading was one of the best ways to learn. He was also a very generous person in the industrial revolution. To be very generous in donations you do need money, and he definitely had a lot of money to be generous. This generosity completed the industrial revolution. He made most of his money with his steel company called the Carnegie Steel Company. The Carnegie steel company then changed to the United States Steel Corporation. In one year,1900, his company made forty million dollars, in which twenty-five million went to him alone. He capped off all of his money making by selling his huge Steel Corporation to J. P. Morgan. For selling this company Carnegie made over two hundred fifty million dollars. He was very generous with all of his money, mostly by funding free libraries. One of the first things he gave was free public baths in Dunfermline, Scotland, where he was born. He funded free public baths as early as 1869. The first library he funded was built in Scotland in 1881. He funded libraries mostly because he was a big reader himself. He self-taught himself by reading books, and he knew that books brought him all the way to the top. He wanted other people to have the same opportunity as he had by reading books themselves. One of Carnegie’s legendary saying was "Free to the People," which is carved in stone over the doors of The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Andrew Carnegie would not live for...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Debilating Effect of Tv on Children
ARGUMENT ANALYSIS WORKSHEET Title of Article: Debilitating Effects of TV on Children Author: Dr. John M. Grohol The main purpose of this article is to convince the reader of the negative consequences of television being watched by our younger generation. Not just the quantity but the quality as well. It is too also show how parents fail to monitor what they allow their children to watch on television. It also shows how their developing minds are absorbing what they see and hear and television and the negative consequences to it. The main arguments that the author is making is that the research studies from the past, present and future, showing how our younger generation are suffering in a multitude of different ways, such socially and academically. The evidence or facts the author uses in this article to support the arguments are as follows: 1. A 2005 study that was published in the American achieves of pediatrician[->0] and adolescent medicine. It found that the increase of television being watched ultimately led to teen pregnancies, a decline in health, as well as our youth no longer seeking to further their education[->1]. They were no longer interested in college[->2]. (Grohol, 2009). 2. A 2007 study that was done at Columbia found similar to the 2005 study. Our younger generation was lacking in academic studies, performance and was lacking in the homework department. (Grohol, 2009). The main conclusion[s]/inference[s] in this article is that just like everything else in life it is good in moderation. Television is not the problem as is the quality and quality that is being consumed that is the problem. The main assumptions underlying the author’s thinking are that American parent is either one of two things. Either they are aware of the detrimental dangers of television but fail to parent or they are not educated on the subject. If we accept the author’s line of reasoning, the implications are that society is to blame for up keeping and raising of our youth, we now blame society for our children’s flaws and fail to own up to our own responsibility as parents. It is up to us to not only monitor what our children watch but how much of it as well. We live in an era of technology there are many ways in which we can both monitor how much and what they watch. We can block certain channels or teach the right from wrong, we can buy electronically devices that lock a child out of certain programs and also shut a device down after a certain time limit. It is up to us to raise our children not society. If we reject the author’s line of reasoning, the implications are then we own up to our responsibility. We are saying that it isn’t the television show â€Å"16 and pregnant†, fault as top why my child is pregnant but my fault for failing to raise her or him correctly. If your child knows right from wrong what he or she watches should not affect them. Grohol, D. J. (2009, 09 27). World of Psychology:The Debilitating Effects of TV on Children. Retrieved 11 1, 2011, from Psych[->3] Central: http://psychcentral. com/blog/archives/2009/09/27/the-debilitating-effects-of-tv-on-children/ [->0] – http://courseroom2. capella. edu/webct/urw/lc16700962973011. p16700962994011/newMessageThread. dowebct? discussionaction=viewMessage&messageid=16849915434081&topicid=16700963160011&refreshPage=false&sourcePage= [->1] – http://courseroom2. capella. edu/webct/urw/lc16700962973011. tp16700962994011/newMessageThread. dowebct? discussionaction=viewMessage&messageid=16849915434081&topicid=16700963160011&refreshPage=false&sourcePage= [->2] – http://courseroom2. capella. edu /webct/urw/lc16700962973011. tp16700962994011/newMessageThread. dowebct? discussionaction=viewMessage&messageid=168499154340
Sunday, November 10, 2019
FASB Accounting Standards Codification Essay
This section deals with certain general background considerations and information related to the FASC and the answers can be found by clicking the â€Å"About the Codification†and â€Å"Notice to Constituents†sections on the FASC Welcome Page. This section is a good general source of information about the FASC and should be reviewed prior to starting to answer the specific questions set forth in all sections. The related research questions that you must answer are: (a) When did the FASC Codification become effective? †¢It was released on July 1, 2009 and became effective for Interim and Annual periods ending after September 15, 2009. (b) Did the FASC change prior GAAP? †¢No it didn’t change, it only got restructured. (c) What does the FASB expect from the new FASC structure and system? †¢The System is expected to reduce the amount of time and effort that is used to solve an accounting research issue. (d) What are the â€Å"topics†used in the ASC? †¢The General Principles †¢The Presentation †¢The Assets †¢Liabilities †¢Equity †¢Revenue †¢Expense †¢Broad Transactions †¢Industry (e) Are Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) references included in the ASC? †¢Yes It is. 2. Transfer of Receivables FASC 860-10 As the new staff person in your company’s treasury department, you have been asked to conduct research related to a proposed transfer of receivables. Your supervisor wants the authoritative sources for the following items that are discussed in the securitization agreement. Access the FASB Codification at to conduct research using the Codification Research System to prepare responses to the following items. Provide Codification references for your responses. (a) Identify relevant Codification section that addresses transfers of receivables. †¢ 860-10-05 (b) Provide definitions for the following: (i) Transfer †¢transference of a noncash financial asset by and to someone other than the issuer of that financial asset (ii) Recourse uncollectable †¢When the transferor of receivables retains the risk of uncollectability. (iii) Collateral †¢Assets that a borrower pledges as security for a loan, which the financier seizes if the borrower seizes to pay (c) Provide other examples (besides recourse and collateral) that qualify as continuing involvement. 3. Inventories FASC 330-10 Jones Co. is in a technology-intensive industry. Recently, one of its competitors introduced a new product with technology that might render obsolete some of Jones’s inventory. The accounting staff wants to follow the appropriate authoritative literature in determining the accounting for this significant market event. Access the FASB Codification at to conduct research using the Codification Research System to prepare responses to the following items. Provide Codification references for your responses. (a) Identify the primary authoritative guidance for the accounting for inventories. †¢Accounting Research Bulletins (ARB) No.43 Chapter 4. (b) List three types of goods that are classified as inventory. †¢Goods awaiting sale (finished goods) †¢Goods in the course of production (work in process), †¢Goods to used directly or indirectly in production (raw materials and supplies) What characteristic will automatically exclude an item from being classified as inventory? †¢Long-term assets that are subject to depreciation accounting †¢Goods which, when put into use, will be so classified as depreciable Assets (c) Define â€Å"market†as used in the phrase â€Å"lower-of-cost-or-market.††¢market means current replacement cost (by purchase or by reproduction) provided that it meet the two conditions 1.Market shall not exceed the net realizable value 2.Market shall not be less than net realizable value reduced by an allowance for an approximately normal profit margin
Friday, November 8, 2019
Second Grade Science Fair Projects
Second Grade Science Fair Projects Second-graders tend to be very curious. Applying that natural inquisitiveness to a science fair project can yield great results. Look for a natural phenomenon that interests the student and have him or her ask questions about it. Expect to help a second-grade student plan the project, and offer guidance with a report or poster. While its always nice to apply the scientific method, its usually OK for second-graders to make models or perform demonstrations that illustrate scientific concepts. Here are some ideas appropriate for second-graders: Food These are experiments with things we eat: What factors affect the rate at which foods spoil? You can test heat, light, and humidity.Identify the characteristics that distinguish a fruit from a vegetable. Next, use these characteristics to group different produce items.Test eggs for freshness using the float test. Does it always work?Do all types of bread grow the same types of mold?What is the best liquid for dissolving a gummy bear? Try water, vinegar, oil, and other common ingredients. Can you explain the results?Do raw eggs and hard-boiled eggs spin the same length of time and number of times?A mint makes your mouth feel cool. Use a thermometer to see if it actually changes the temperature. Environment These experiments focus on processes in the world around us: Put a pair of old socks over your shoes and go for a walk in a field or a park. Remove the seeds that attach to the socks and try to figure out how they attach to animals and what the plants they come from might have in common.Why doesnt the ocean freeze? Compare the effects of motion, temperature, and wind on freshwater compared with salt water.Collect insects. What types of insects live in your environment? Can you identify them?Do cut flowers last longer if you put them in warm water or cold water? You can test how effectively flowers are drinking water by adding food coloring to it and using white flowers, such as carnations. Do flowers drink warm water faster, slower, or at the same rate as cold water?Can you tell from todays clouds what tomorrows weather will be?Collect a few ants. What foods most attract ants? Least attract them? Household These experiments are about how things work around the house: Do clothes take the same length of time to dry if you add a dryer sheet or fabric softener to the load?Do frozen candles burn at the same rate as candles that were stored at room temperature?Are waterproof mascaras really waterproof? Put some mascara on a sheet of paper and rinse it with water. What happens? Do eight-hour lipsticks really keep their color that long?What type of liquid will rust a nail the quickest? You could try water, orange juice, milk, vinegar, peroxide, and other common household liquids. Miscellaneous Here are experiments in various categories: Do all students take the same size steps (have the same stride)? Measure feet and strides and see if there seems to be a connection.Do most students have the same favorite color?Take a group of objects and categorize them. Explain how the categories were selected.Do all students in the class have the same size hands and feet as each other? Trace outlines of hands and feet and compare them. Do taller students have larger hands and feet or does height not seem to matter?
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Physics IA bouncing ball Essay Example
Physics IA bouncing ball Essay Example Physics IA bouncing ball Paper Physics IA bouncing ball Paper 1. Put the ruler perpendicular to the flat surface. 2. Place the ruler in the arm of the metal stand and secure it tight so that the ruler can stay still; it must be perpendicular to the surface and parallel to the stand. 3. Grab the rubber ball and place it with one hand besides the 10cm mark in the ruler. 4. With the other hand have the chronometer in 0 seconds and be ready because as you are going to release the ball you have to start the count in the chronometer. 5. Drop the ball and start the count in the chronometer simultaneously. 6. Wait until the ball to stop bouncing completely, this is, wait for the ball to start rolling so that you can see movement just in the horizontal way or x-axis and not in the vertical way or y-axis, and in that specific time, stop the count. 7. In your physics lab table write the resultant time t for the height h of 10cm. 8. Repeat steps 3-6 twice and write the multiple resultant times in your physics lab table in order to have three time samples. This is for avoiding random errors. 9. Continue the pattern of releasing the ball from each multiple of 10 until reaching 100cm, measuring three times from each multiple of 10cm. Write the results in your physics lab table. 10. Calculate the average of the three times you measure for each multiple of 10cm to 100cm by using this formula: Taverage= (T1+T2+T3)/3 and write it in your physics lab table in an extra column. For more accurate results: -Do not move the experiment while taking your measurements. If you change the place of the experiment, the surface texture, evenness, or slope may change as well, making the results less accurate. -Use the SAME ball throughout all the experiment; each ball has in general the same characteristics, except that they usually are not perfectly round and they have different sizes and masses. By using the same ball you are increasing accuracy in your measurements. Uncerntanties The uncertainty of the dependant variable, which is the time t, is 0.35 s. This has been measured by subtracting the smallest value to the greatest value of time in every measurement of the height, and then the result of that was divided by 2. It can be better explained with this equation: After that, the greatest difference of all the results is going to be the one that is chosen to be the uncertainty of time in every measure of height. In this experiment the greatest difference was found in the value of height 80cm, which was 0.35 because. Therefore, 3.5 is going to be the uncertainty of time. All values of time have been rounded to 0.10cm. The uncertainty of the independent variable, which is the height h, is 0.1cm. This has been settled without any formal guidelines; the factor that just the human eye is used for this experiment and no other more accurate mechanism, gives an uncertainty because the human being is not perfect when measuring something. In this case, the hand can shake at the point of the ruler, or just the perspective of the experimenter can create some error coefficient when measuring the height using a ruler. All values of height have been rounded to 0.1cm. The following graph was made with Logger Pro Software. I included the uncertainty bars and the computer generated the best straight line and determined the gradient. Now, the graph is repeated with maximum and minimum gradients based on the extremes of the first and last data point uncertainty bars. Conclusion and Evaluation In Figure 1.3, which is the first graph of our results, there seems to be a direct relationship between the increase of time and the increase of height in the experiment. The straight line that the computer generated shows an increase in both x and y axes which represent the height and the time, respectively. I can conclude by saying that the experiment of releasing a ball at certain heights, that in this case they were from 10cm in multiples of 10 till reaching a meter, and measuring multiple times to get an average, that in this case was measuring 3 times per measure of height the time it took for the ball to stop bouncing completely and then making a average time, that the hypothesis of height being proportional to time was right and has been proved by analyzing the results and graphs. Time t and the height h were proportional to each other because in the result graph we find a straight line with a slope that proves that proportionality. This makes the experiment successful because the objective of proving the hypothesis was achieved. After analyzing these factors, the answer to the question How does altering the height when releasing a bouncing rubber ball affect the time until its complete rest in the vertical sense or y-axis? is that as the height increases where the ball is released, it is going to take more time until its rest in the vertical sense, and in the other hand, as the height decreases, the ball is going to take less time to stop bouncing. Problems and Improvement Originally, the experiment was meant to measure the time until the ball reached complete rest (in both x and y axes) so that it could be easy to stop the chronometer and be more accurate. The problem was that the ball would roll on the floor, and as the floor is an even texture, the ball would stop completely taking a lot of time doing it, and sometimes the time it would take to stop in some cases would be very different to other cases because the ball rolls in different directions every time. Changing the experiment of measuring the time until the ball achieved complete rest to measuring time till the ball achieved complete rest in the vertical sense or the y-axis was the solution to overcome this problem. It created a minor problem though. The problem is that the eye cant really see when the ball stops bouncing completely because there are some bounces in the y-axis that cannot be seen by the human eye because they are really minor, making the stopping of the chronometer count a little subjective and decreasing the accuracy of the experiment.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
I'll attach it Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
I'll attach it - Essay Example watched carefully, for instance, Windows Internet Control Board, subcontracted Mac service called internet configuration, as well as MacOSs Configuration Manager (McCandlish). While browsing, one must not go for searching their private information, such as username, address, and other sensitive information like social security number and credit card number. Such searches provide a way to access the user’s doorway. And thus, the hackers can easily attack, and users face the issues like identity theft as well as other phishing problems (Eckersley, Schoen and Bankston). As the ISP has the information regarding the user’s identity, so it can connect this information with the user’s searches or also it can bundle up all the user’s searches within a solo search history. One must be careful or must not use URL like, when the user have the subscription from Comcast Broadband. In the same way, if the user is AOL subscriber, then it should avoid using the search icon within the AOL client software or URL (Eckersley, Schoen and Bankston). Usually, the search engines provide the user with option to form a private account and go for searching. However, it also happens that these search engines are linked to further services, which creates a situation where the user either login to search engine or any linked service, then these services are associated to one another or all in all, to the private account of the user. Examples of such affiliations include the association of MSN with the MSN messenger and Hotmail, Google with Google Chat and Gmail, as well as A9 links with Amazon. Thus, if the users are using the services like Hotmail or Gmail, then they must not use their linking search engines, for example, using a Hotmail account, the user should search from MSN, particularly when they are using that account (Eckersley, Schoen and Bankston; McCandlish). Additionally, there are some small pieces of information named
Friday, November 1, 2019
Interpersonal Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Interpersonal Conflict - Essay Example This could be because of a person’s outstanding services, contacts with influential people, cultural beliefs, and practices or welfare activities for the society in which he leaves. When a person reaches such a status, he feels he is above those around him and seeks to implement protocols and securities. The fourth reason is the personality. It is the inherited or God gifted abilities, physique or outstanding achievements in the field of art or science. You are recognized and known for achievements not only locally but also nationally as well as internationally. You become renowned and with that comes wealth, authority, prestige, and fan following. The fifth reason is the intimacy. It is the love and affection and the feeling of nearness that continues to expand until it reaches oneness. When intimacy reaches oneness, it creates immense fulfillment and accomplishment. You feel you have conquered the world. Let us discuss three separate conflict situations and see how it has be en handled by the interacting personalities. The first conflict situation is the most unforgettable incident of 9/11. This is the example of â€Å"abundant resources of one country and ultra scarce resources of the other country†. On one side it was The United States of America, who had a tremendous amount of resources in the form of military equipment, army, air and sea forces, strategic power and democratically elected effective government and on the other side, it was Pakistan a small, poor, under developed and militarily ruled country.... When a person reaches such a status, he feels he is above those around him and seeks to implement protocols and securities. Fourth reason is the personality. It is the inherited or God gifted abilities, physique or outstanding achievements in the field of art or science. You are recognized and known for your achievements not only locally but also nationally as well as internationally. You become renowned and with that comes wealth, authority, prestige and fan following. Fifth reason is the intimacy. It is the love and affection and the feeling of nearness that continues to expand until it reaches oneness. When intimacy reaches oneness, it creates immense fulfillment and accomplishment. You feel you have conquered the world. Let us discuss three separate conflict situations and see how it has been handled by the interacting personalities. The first conflict situation is the most unforgettable incident of 9/11. This is the example of â€Å"abundant resources of one country and ultra s carce resources of the other country†. On one side it was The United States of America, who had tremendous amount of resources in the form of military equipments, army, air and sea forces, strategic power and democratically elected effective government and on the other side it was Pakistan a small, ultra poor, under developed and militarily ruled country. USA raged a global war against the terror and blamed that the attack of 9/11 in New York, was planned by Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. Pakistan was asked by USA to support the war on terror or face the consequences. Pakistan government had no choice due to military supremacy of US. Pakistan managed this conflict by â€Å"accommodation†and â€Å"collaboration†. The consequences of this
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Individual report based upon a case study (below) Essay
Individual report based upon a case study (below) - Essay Example This report is discussing upon giving the advice to the United States technology organization for them to enter the Chinese market with the most appropriate entry mode. Change is a continuous process which is being observed by the business environment all around. In the midst of the changing environments of business, the entry into the international markets cannot be ignored under any circumstances. The globalization phenomenon is at its peak and all organizations around the world are striving towards having a global presence to attain success (Peng, 2000). Globalization has become an important aspect because of the need and demand of product and services of different companies in different regions. This has caused all organizations to approach towards making a global presence of their firms. Organizations around the world are looking for such opportunities and since China has been associated with the World Trade Organization; and therefore major organizations seek market entry into China. China has plans to make their economy a market based economy and therefore opened the gates for new market entries into China (Williamson and Zeng, 2004). China has a developing economy that is growing on a very fast pace and attracting a lot international organizations in their country. Market entry modes have been changing and developing constantly. At every era there seems to be a successful market strategy of entering new markets and as discussed in the case below that Foreign Investment Shareholder Corporation is a more reasonable option for the US organization to enter into China. Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) can be defined as the direct investments that an organization makes on the productive assets in any foreign country. A foreign direct investment is an extremely important aspect of the economic system present on the global basis (Huang, 2003). The FDI has been categorized more expensive than the other market entry
Monday, October 28, 2019
Victorian society Essay Example for Free
Victorian society Essay How does Arthur Conen Doyle manipulate the conventions of the genre and an audiences expectations and deliver the moral messages that Victorian society would have expected? The two stories that I have studied, The Man with the twisted lip and the adventure of the Speckled Band are both written by the author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle between the years 1859 1930. They also both feature in the story Sherlock Holmes, along with a side kick, Doctor Watson. Sherlock Holmes stories were not initially published in books, they were printed in Serial form in the Strand magazine. The Contempory audience at the time would have been familiar with the characters and the story being told from Doctor Watsons point of view, and the way in which the investigations are carried out. The Generic expectations of murder mystery stories is that there would be a villain and a victim, the crime is usually by an aggressive man who has a motive and is violent, short tempered and known as a gold digger. The villain is also expected to be male and clever. The victim is usually a female and is typical of the generic expectations of a murder mystery. She would be vulnerable and an hairness who had money. The detective would not be part of the law and would conduct his investigation in an appropriate manner. The crime is usually atypical and would usually be a weapon and well planned and executed and crime solved by Holmes, and justice is always done, and the person who commits the crime is always punished. The clues and the evidence of the story would be to entertain, following clues and the reader predicting the end. The scene and the setting of the crime would be a quiet place, enclosed and dark. The investigation of the crime would be atypical, it would be how and not who did it and the investigator does the investigation as a hobby. An audience would also expect to find evidence, clues and a motive that leads to an investigation and usually a solution. The investigation and crime would be solved by a detective, with an assistant at his side. The Villains in the two stories appear to be typical of the conventions or expectations of a murderer, a typical murderer in a murder mystery story is male, aggressive, shrine, unpleasant and has something to gain from the death of his victim. In the Adventure of the Speckled band the villain is Dr. Roylott, uncle to the first victim. Helen Stoner who was his stepfather and stood out to Doctor Roylott as her mother was well off so Helen stood to inherit money which made her a target for Doctor Roylott. Helen Stoner describes Doctor Roylott as Uncontrollable in his anger, this makes the reader think that he is frightening to this because she doesnt know how he will react at any particular time. Through Watsons narration of Roylott, Conan Doyle creates an image of a wild animal, a hunter, a savage beast. Roylott is described as a fierce old bird of prey and on leaving the apartments, he snarled at Holmes at Watson like a vicious dog. In the man with the twisted lip the villain is Hugh Boon, whom the author describes him as having a bull dog chin which makes the reader believe that he is dog like, savage and vicious. He is a typical villain with a violent and rough past, he seams unreal with inhuman features. The quotes like bile shot eye gives the reader the impression that he is very angry and furious. Thoughout the story Boon is described as a perputial snarl by Doctor Watson, a old Scar by Watson and repulsive ugliness by Doctor Watson. The writer was subverting our generic expectations because we do not expect to know who the villain is at the start, however, the writer conforms our generic expectations because of the setting, the motives and the murder method. In The Adventure of the speckled band the victim is Helen Stoner, step daughter of Dr Roylott. Her mother was quite well off so Helen stood to inherit money income of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½250 which made her a ideal target for her stepfather. In the man with the twisted lip Neville St Clare, who was an atypical victim was the apparent victim. He was an atypical victim because of the financial gain. Neville St Clare was also a villain, and he wanted to cover this up, he was saw in a window looking very agitated. The crime and investigation in both stories subverts the generic expectations. In The Adventure of the speckled band the investigation is atypical because Holmes in investigating how not who. There is no weapon in the crime, its a snake which does the damage and subverts the generic expectations, so its atypical to the generic expectations. In The Man with the Twisted Lip, there is no crime committed even though it is a murder mystery. Sherlock Holmes investigates the mystery and finds the villain was the victim. The detectives in both stories are atypical because Holmes does it for a hobby, the enjoyment and mental stimulation. In the end, Neville St. Clare was barred from begging ever again and Doctor Roylott was hoist by his own petard. In Conclusion, I think that these two stories are both typical in the majority of the ways in a murder mystery genre because they both adhere to the generic expectations of a murder, detective story.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Virginia Woolfs A Room of One’s Own Essay examples -- Literature Room
In Virginia Woolf’s feminist essay â€Å"A Room of One’s Own,†Woolf argues that â€Å"a woman must have money and a room of her own†(16) if she is to write fiction of any merit. The point as she develops it is a perceptive one, and far more layered and various in its implications than it might at first seem. But I wonder if perhaps Woolf did not really tap the full power of her thesis. She recognized the necessity of the writer’s financial independence to the birth of great writing, but she failed to discover the true relationship to great writing of another freedom; for just as economic freedom allows one to inhabit a physical space---a room of one’s own---so does mental freedom allow one to inhabit one’s own mind and body â€Å"incandescent and unimpeded.†Woolf seems to believe that the development and expression of creative genius hinges upon the mental freedom of the writer(50), and that the development of mental fre edom hinges upon the economic freedom of the writer (34, 47). But after careful consideration of Woolf’s essay and also of the recent trend in feminist criticism, one realizes that if women are to do anything with Woolf’s words; if we are to act upon them---to write the next chapter in this great drama---we must take her argument a little farther. We must propel it to its own conclusion to find that in fact both the freedom from economic dependence and the freedom from fetters to the mind and body are conditions of the possibility of genius and its full expression; we must learn to ‘move in’: to inhabit and take possession of, not only a physical room, but the more abstract rooms of our minds and our bodies. It is only from this perspective in full possession of ourselves that we can find the unconsciousness of ourselves,... ...d imposing figure of a gentleman, which Milton recommended for my perpetual adoration, a view of the open sky†(34). In this, the message is clear: women’s perspectives of the world should not be framed by the figure of a man; we should not allow the limits of our minds to be dictated to us by a patriarchal social structure, nor should we allow ourselves to be defined by the function that is prescribed for our bodies. We should instead transcend the struggle to find our right relation to men, and move in to our own minds and bodies; regain possession of them, inhabit them, and from these rooms of our own we should look for our place, our room, our right relation to reality. Only then will our glances upward be greeted with an incandescent, unimpeded view of the open sky. Works Cited Woolf, Virginia. A Room of One's Own. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1989.
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