Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Individual report based upon a case study (below) Essay
Individual report based upon a case study (below) - Essay Example This report is discussing upon giving the advice to the United States technology organization for them to enter the Chinese market with the most appropriate entry mode. Change is a continuous process which is being observed by the business environment all around. In the midst of the changing environments of business, the entry into the international markets cannot be ignored under any circumstances. The globalization phenomenon is at its peak and all organizations around the world are striving towards having a global presence to attain success (Peng, 2000). Globalization has become an important aspect because of the need and demand of product and services of different companies in different regions. This has caused all organizations to approach towards making a global presence of their firms. Organizations around the world are looking for such opportunities and since China has been associated with the World Trade Organization; and therefore major organizations seek market entry into China. China has plans to make their economy a market based economy and therefore opened the gates for new market entries into China (Williamson and Zeng, 2004). China has a developing economy that is growing on a very fast pace and attracting a lot international organizations in their country. Market entry modes have been changing and developing constantly. At every era there seems to be a successful market strategy of entering new markets and as discussed in the case below that Foreign Investment Shareholder Corporation is a more reasonable option for the US organization to enter into China. Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) can be defined as the direct investments that an organization makes on the productive assets in any foreign country. A foreign direct investment is an extremely important aspect of the economic system present on the global basis (Huang, 2003). The FDI has been categorized more expensive than the other market entry
Monday, October 28, 2019
Victorian society Essay Example for Free
Victorian society Essay How does Arthur Conen Doyle manipulate the conventions of the genre and an audiences expectations and deliver the moral messages that Victorian society would have expected? The two stories that I have studied, The Man with the twisted lip and the adventure of the Speckled Band are both written by the author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle between the years 1859 1930. They also both feature in the story Sherlock Holmes, along with a side kick, Doctor Watson. Sherlock Holmes stories were not initially published in books, they were printed in Serial form in the Strand magazine. The Contempory audience at the time would have been familiar with the characters and the story being told from Doctor Watsons point of view, and the way in which the investigations are carried out. The Generic expectations of murder mystery stories is that there would be a villain and a victim, the crime is usually by an aggressive man who has a motive and is violent, short tempered and known as a gold digger. The villain is also expected to be male and clever. The victim is usually a female and is typical of the generic expectations of a murder mystery. She would be vulnerable and an hairness who had money. The detective would not be part of the law and would conduct his investigation in an appropriate manner. The crime is usually atypical and would usually be a weapon and well planned and executed and crime solved by Holmes, and justice is always done, and the person who commits the crime is always punished. The clues and the evidence of the story would be to entertain, following clues and the reader predicting the end. The scene and the setting of the crime would be a quiet place, enclosed and dark. The investigation of the crime would be atypical, it would be how and not who did it and the investigator does the investigation as a hobby. An audience would also expect to find evidence, clues and a motive that leads to an investigation and usually a solution. The investigation and crime would be solved by a detective, with an assistant at his side. The Villains in the two stories appear to be typical of the conventions or expectations of a murderer, a typical murderer in a murder mystery story is male, aggressive, shrine, unpleasant and has something to gain from the death of his victim. In the Adventure of the Speckled band the villain is Dr. Roylott, uncle to the first victim. Helen Stoner who was his stepfather and stood out to Doctor Roylott as her mother was well off so Helen stood to inherit money which made her a target for Doctor Roylott. Helen Stoner describes Doctor Roylott as Uncontrollable in his anger, this makes the reader think that he is frightening to this because she doesnt know how he will react at any particular time. Through Watsons narration of Roylott, Conan Doyle creates an image of a wild animal, a hunter, a savage beast. Roylott is described as a fierce old bird of prey and on leaving the apartments, he snarled at Holmes at Watson like a vicious dog. In the man with the twisted lip the villain is Hugh Boon, whom the author describes him as having a bull dog chin which makes the reader believe that he is dog like, savage and vicious. He is a typical villain with a violent and rough past, he seams unreal with inhuman features. The quotes like bile shot eye gives the reader the impression that he is very angry and furious. Thoughout the story Boon is described as a perputial snarl by Doctor Watson, a old Scar by Watson and repulsive ugliness by Doctor Watson. The writer was subverting our generic expectations because we do not expect to know who the villain is at the start, however, the writer conforms our generic expectations because of the setting, the motives and the murder method. In The Adventure of the speckled band the victim is Helen Stoner, step daughter of Dr Roylott. Her mother was quite well off so Helen stood to inherit money income of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½250 which made her a ideal target for her stepfather. In the man with the twisted lip Neville St Clare, who was an atypical victim was the apparent victim. He was an atypical victim because of the financial gain. Neville St Clare was also a villain, and he wanted to cover this up, he was saw in a window looking very agitated. The crime and investigation in both stories subverts the generic expectations. In The Adventure of the speckled band the investigation is atypical because Holmes in investigating how not who. There is no weapon in the crime, its a snake which does the damage and subverts the generic expectations, so its atypical to the generic expectations. In The Man with the Twisted Lip, there is no crime committed even though it is a murder mystery. Sherlock Holmes investigates the mystery and finds the villain was the victim. The detectives in both stories are atypical because Holmes does it for a hobby, the enjoyment and mental stimulation. In the end, Neville St. Clare was barred from begging ever again and Doctor Roylott was hoist by his own petard. In Conclusion, I think that these two stories are both typical in the majority of the ways in a murder mystery genre because they both adhere to the generic expectations of a murder, detective story.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Virginia Woolfs A Room of One’s Own Essay examples -- Literature Room
In Virginia Woolf’s feminist essay â€Å"A Room of One’s Own,†Woolf argues that â€Å"a woman must have money and a room of her own†(16) if she is to write fiction of any merit. The point as she develops it is a perceptive one, and far more layered and various in its implications than it might at first seem. But I wonder if perhaps Woolf did not really tap the full power of her thesis. She recognized the necessity of the writer’s financial independence to the birth of great writing, but she failed to discover the true relationship to great writing of another freedom; for just as economic freedom allows one to inhabit a physical space---a room of one’s own---so does mental freedom allow one to inhabit one’s own mind and body â€Å"incandescent and unimpeded.†Woolf seems to believe that the development and expression of creative genius hinges upon the mental freedom of the writer(50), and that the development of mental fre edom hinges upon the economic freedom of the writer (34, 47). But after careful consideration of Woolf’s essay and also of the recent trend in feminist criticism, one realizes that if women are to do anything with Woolf’s words; if we are to act upon them---to write the next chapter in this great drama---we must take her argument a little farther. We must propel it to its own conclusion to find that in fact both the freedom from economic dependence and the freedom from fetters to the mind and body are conditions of the possibility of genius and its full expression; we must learn to ‘move in’: to inhabit and take possession of, not only a physical room, but the more abstract rooms of our minds and our bodies. It is only from this perspective in full possession of ourselves that we can find the unconsciousness of ourselves,... ...d imposing figure of a gentleman, which Milton recommended for my perpetual adoration, a view of the open sky†(34). In this, the message is clear: women’s perspectives of the world should not be framed by the figure of a man; we should not allow the limits of our minds to be dictated to us by a patriarchal social structure, nor should we allow ourselves to be defined by the function that is prescribed for our bodies. We should instead transcend the struggle to find our right relation to men, and move in to our own minds and bodies; regain possession of them, inhabit them, and from these rooms of our own we should look for our place, our room, our right relation to reality. Only then will our glances upward be greeted with an incandescent, unimpeded view of the open sky. Works Cited Woolf, Virginia. A Room of One's Own. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1989.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Political Economies
Contemporary political economies are mixtures of fascism, socialism, capitalism, anarchism, etc. Most of them stress aspects of certain systems more than those of others but in each one will find a mixture. Recent largely fascist systems are those of Mussolini's Italy, Peron's Argentina, Hitler's Third Reich, Chavez' Venezuela, and several of recent Middle Eastern regimes (e. g. , Libya), Egypt, et al. So called communist regimes are also effectively fascist since they tend to be ruled by an undemocratic group of rulers†e. . , North Korea, Cuba. Welfare Statism The welfare state or, from the economic viewpoint, the mixed economy, may be understood as a combination of the principles of capitalism and socialism. Sometimes the emphasis in this system is placed not so much on economic as on certain moral considerations. Basically the welfare state consists of a legal system that aims at securing for everyone the negative right to liberty and the positive right to well being.The wel fare state, which is to say most Western countries, balances the two values that together seem to its advocates to be the bedrock of a civilized society. No one ought to have his or her sovereignty seriously compromised, nor should anyone be permitted to fall below a certain standard of living. This is difficult to maintain ecause at different times one or another of these objectives will probably take priority and in mostly democratic systems political leaders will vacillate between giving more support to one or the other.The right to strike, for example, which is the negative liberty to quit one's Job in an effort to gain respect for one's terms of employment, may conflict with the positive right to be provided with various services–e. g. , health care, mail delivery or education. It is indeed a prominent feature of the welfare state that both negative and positive rights receive their legal protection. Negative rights involve respect for a person's life, liberty and proper ty–that is, everyone is by law supposed to abstain from interfering with these.Positive rights, in turn, involve respect for a person's basic needs–that is, everyone who is unable to secure the requirements ot survival and even tlourishing is supposed to have those provided by way of the appropriate public policy (e. g. , taxation, mandated services, public education, national health care). The moral underpinnings of the welfare state can be utilitarianism, altruism or certain intuitively held moral precepts. Utilitarianism requires that all pursue the eneral welfare and whatever public policies to facilitate this were needed would be justified.Although many utilitarians believe that the general welfare is best achieved when government operates in a largely laissez-faire fashion, there is no objection to government intervention in social affairs if without those many in the society may fail to achieve a decent and prosperous form of life. Altruists, in turn, often hold that to make certain that people fulfill their primary obligation to help others, it is necessary to introduce public measures that will secure such help, given that many might wish o breach their duty to do the right thing.Finally, there is the claim that by our common intuitions it is evident that both a measure of personal liberty and social welfare must be guaranteed to all, lest the quality of life in society fall below what it should be. While people object to the welfare state from several other perspectives, it is thought by its supporters to be the most stable modern political orders. Although it is characterized by much dispute and controversy, in the long run, its supporters maintain, the system seems to be overall satisfactory and Just.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Literature and Social Reality Essay
In this paper I will discuss and analyze the social forces of immigration and industrialization that shape literature during the period of 1865 to 1912. I will describe the major literary movements of the period. Additionally I will explain how Realism and Naturalism influenced the literature of the period, how immigration and industrialization contributed to the influences. I will illustrate using examples from some of the greatest authors of the period. Immigration and Industrialization The United States’ population grew quickly in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Baym (2008) et al. write that there were 38. million people in 1870 and had grown to 92 million in 1910. This growth resulted mostly from immigration. People came from countries all over the world but predominantly from European and Asian nations. Immigration was also the major cause for urbanization in the United States according to Baym et al. (2008) with a dramatic proportional shift from a mostly rural population to a larger city population. Simultaneously with this mass immigration industrialization was happening creating an abundance of factory jobs and building immense wealth for some while also creating dramatic divides in society. Baym et al. (2008) describe the situation: â€Å"Long-settled white Americans faced newly arrived white people across divides of power, income, and privilege – worker against owner, farm against city, immigrant against native-born, leading to suspicion and social turbulence on a scale that the nation had not seen†(p. 3). The consequences were labor struggles resulting from terrible working conditions. Immigration brought an abundance of workers resulting in low wages as well as â€Å"inhumane and dangerous working conditions†(Baym et al. 2008, p. ). Conflict also arose from farmers being pushed off their land by the railroads and competition between native-born citizens and immigrants. There was also increased suspicion and resentment between the social classes likely based on fear of losing their â€Å"part of the cake†for the upper and middle classes, whereas the lower class was resentful because of how they were treated. Major Literary Movements The major literary movements during this period were realism and naturalism emerging after a long period of idealism and romanticism. Realism shifted literature to a way of describe life as it actually is instead of trying to present an idealized or romantic image. It was an objective style that offered detached perspectives on the everyday lives of the middle-class, working-class and the poor. This style worked well for describing the struggles of the period. Baym et al. (2008) describe W. D. Howells as the â€Å"chief American advocate†of realism (p. 6). Mark Twain, Henry James, Edith Wharton, and others also joined in this movement as well as some distinguished African American writers such as W. E. B Du Bois, Booker T. Washington, and Ida B. Wells-Barnett (Baym et al. , 2008). The nature of Naturalism has been debated as being the opposite of realism or as â€Å"extension or intensification of realism†(Baym et al. , 2008, p. 7). Naturalism usually describes more extreme settings and circumstances than realism and focuses on harsher conditions and poorer characters. Baym et al. (2008) suggest that while characters in realistic works often overcome difficulties, in naturalistic pieces the characters never stand a chance. It is a much more pessimistic literary style than realism. Crane, Dreiser, London, and Norris are described by Baym et al. (2008) as the leading American naturalistic writers of the period. How Realism and Naturalism Influenced Literature Realism had an immense influence on the literature during this period. Mark Twain was one of the major authors and his â€Å"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn†is an excellent example of his style, which became regarded as a leading piece for the â€Å"American style†(Baym et al. , 2008, p. 6). Twain used colloquial speech and his writing style puts the reader in the position of participant, almost as if in a dialogue with Huck. It is a very intimate and informal way of writing. Huckleberry Finn is uneducated and sees the world through the lens of his own experience as well as the social circumstances and mores of the time. In chapter 23 of â€Å"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn†Huck ponders about Jim, his African American companion on his adventure: â€Å"He was thinking about his wife and his children, away up yonder, and he was low and homesick; because he hadn’t ever been away from home before in his life; and I do believe he cared just as much for his people as white folks do for their’n. It don’t seem natural, but I reckon it is so†(Baym et al. , 2008, p. 204). This passage realistically illustrates the view of a young boy at the time who only knows the world through the social context of his time and place, which included slavery and a very derogatory view of African Americans. Twain was very critical and pessimistic about humankind and his writing often reflected this. However with Huck Finn he appears to be attempting to show that even an uneducated young boy in the 1840s could be open-minded and open-hearted enough to see that people are equals. Henry James writes about â€Å"Daisy Miller,†a young American woman who is a new kind of modern girl. She does not appear to care about the established rules and mores of the time and is both bold and naive in her demeanor. Baym et al. (2008) write that James shows his nature as â€Å"a true cosmopolitan concerned with exploring American national character as it is tested by cultural displacement†(p. 317). James is painting a picture of the old and established strict rules of social class and position and how they become a hindrance in forming true connection between people. The established upper- and middle-class look down on the lower class and the up-and-comers. The result is miscommunication, suspicion, and conflict. Jack London was one of the leading naturalist writers of his time. In his essay â€Å"What Life Means to me†he describes his own experience as a working class youngster who toiled in a variety of jobs until finally he had enough of heavy labor and became a vagrant for a while (Baym et al. , 2008). He describes how he found himself at the bottom of society and how in that place â€Å"life offered nothing but sordidness and wretchedness, both of the flesh and the spirit; for here flesh and spirit were alike starved and tormented†(Baym et al. , 2008, p. 582). He was keenly aware of the inequalities and injustice that industrialization had brought for the working class. He writes that he realizes that a laborer is finished and broken down at 45 or 50 while an intellectual, â€Å"a brain seller†(Baym et al. , 2008, p. 584) comes into his prime at that age or later. He decides to ducate himself to make a difference both for himself and for the working class dear to his heart. London eventually encountered and the Socialist movement and describes in joyful terms finding â€Å"warm faith in then human, glowing idealism, sweetness of unselfishness, renunciation, and martyrdom – all the splendid, stinging things of the spirit†(Baym et al. , 2008, p. 584). He was a masterful naturalist writer describing in exquisite detail and with a detached, scientific narrative how the man slowly succumbs to the cold and freezes to death in his short story â€Å"To Build a Fire. Clearly his own experiences in Alaska had provided him with great fodder for this kind of story. Conclusion In this paper I discussed and analyzed the social forces of immigration and industrialization that shaped literature during the period of 1865 to 1912. I described the major literary movements of the period. Additionally I explained how Realism and Naturalism influenced the literature of the period and illustrated with examples from some of the greatest writers of that time.
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