Thursday, August 27, 2020
Atlantis, A Lost Continent Essay Example For Students
Atlantis, A Lost Continent Essay Presentation. Atlantis was a mainland of the Atlantic Ocean where, as indicated by Plato, a propelled human progress built up somewhere in the range of 11,600 years back. Plato certifies that, as the consequence of an enormous volcanic calamity of overall degree, this mainland sunk away underseas, vanishing for eternity. Official Science the one you learn at school dismisses the real presence of Atlantis, as it has so far been not able to discover any hints of its world. In any case, the explanation behind that is easy to clarify. Everyone has been glancing in an inappropriate areas, as Atlantis in fact lies in the contrary side of the world. So been told, of courseWat does the name Atlantis actualy means?The first thing to remember is that legendary terms have various historical backgrounds, and are regularly interpretable in various dialects, into which they were adjusted when the fantasies were presented locally. For example, Atlas implies, in Greek, the person who couldn't withstand. Map book was known as the Pillar of Heaven, that is, its help. At the point when Atlas became overburdened, the skies tumbled down, covering Atlantis. The names of Atlas and Atlantis initially originated from the Sanskrit, which is the Holy Language of India, name of their Hell called Atala. This word implies Deprived of its Pillar or, then again Bottomless or, somewhat, Sunken to the Bottom. Many further deductions are yet conceivable. Chart book is the embodiment of the Holy Mountain that is the help of paradise. He is the god that the Hindus compare with Shiva, likewise called Sthanu, which means Pillar of Heaven in Sanskrit. The issue of Atlantis. BelieversActually the majority of the researchers, researchers and scientists who have been contemplating the issue of Atlantis develop a great deal of hypotheses that are very not the same as one another. On the off chance that we need to report a review about the conceivable presence of Atlantis we can realize that the 60% of researchers have confidence in Atlantis and the 40% of them call attention to the mid Atlantic as the solid site of Atlantis itself. StudyDisbelieveUnfortunately the examination and exploration of Atlantis is extremely troublesome and questionable in light of the fact that a great deal of creators put their own nation as where old remnants of the antiquated domain lie, by demonstrating a pointless patriotism, while obscure textual styles depict atlanteans as the primary occupants of the world, who were right off the bat just spirits and later become the chief race of the Earth. At the point when somebody attempts to break down the issue of Atlantis, he ought t o disregard every one of these sources, since they are, sensibly, the beginning of the suspicion towards Atlantis. In what manner can individuals accept that atlanteans had mental powers and decimated themselves for multiple occasions? Best verification originates from non-believersWe can't have proofs about these affirmations, be that as it may, then again, some none-devotees built speculations that are fairly solid and show the genuine presence of Atlantis. One of them, perhaps the best, is Charles Berlitz, who thought of certain books somewhere in the range of 1969 and 1984 and puts stock in a thriving Stone Age civilisation existed 12000 years back. Be that as it may, the pioneer of present day learns about Atlantis is Ignatius Donnelly with the smash hit Atlantis the antediluvian world, distributed in 1882. His postulations are as yet the base of current guesses. Among the best creators of Atlantis are Berlitz, Lewis Spence, Donnelly, L. Sprague De Camp, Edgerton Sykes, Flem-At h, Otto Muck and J.V. Luce. Their proposition are established on logical verifications and proof and bid subjects as geography, history, oceanography and folklore. Every one of them were non-adherents, who saw the theorie as something logical and later on, after serieus study, began to have faith in this issue. What where they examining aboutWe have two distinctive significant inquiries concerning Atlantis: where right? Which sort of culture and innovation did it create? Its extremely troublesome furnishing a response since we havent numerous records about Atlantis: we arrange just of Platos exchanges Timaeum and Critias. At that point we locate some little references to Atlantis in old Greek writing, authentic reports or verse. Finally the presence of a huge landmass in the Atlantic Ocean could be perused from multiple points of view thus Atlantis can become Antarctica or the American mainland. With respect to culture of Atlantis we know their traditions from Plato however we could assume there is more than what Plato composed. Yet, it is composing by Plato, and despite the fact that he is old, he didnt life in the time Atlantis should excist. Pony Dealer's Daughter EssayInstead, as of late in 1997, profound examinations were done under Japan Sea on account of a major stone development that is matured 12000 years back. This is unquestionably keeps an eye on work and it is huge: it's anything but a pyramid yet a squared royal residence that appears to be like a stronghold. So its intriguing to see that human civilisation could have started thousands years before we accept. With these models were putting archeological and geographical proof of the conceivable presence of an obscure civilisation in a similar time Atlantis would have existed. With this verification, numerous scientifists began to feel that doing investigate toward Atlantis isnt a wast of time. Regardless of whether it didnt excistid, there could be probability, there was something other, an other civilazation. DisbelieversMany researchers won't acknowledge Atlantis since it could ruin their own speculations. For instance, some of them despite everything accept that ocean level is consistent since millions and millions years back: this is unsuitable on the grounds that sand, gulches and complex mountains under ocean demonstrate those zones were not secured by water previously. Egyptologists accept the Sphinx was worked by Chefren in light of the fact that they discovered his sculpture close to the Sphinxs sanctuary, on the grounds that the essence of the incredible landmark seems as though his one (yet was demonstrated by particular identifiers theyre unique) and on the grounds that Titmouse IV raised a pillar in which announce that Chefren removed the sand that in part lowered the Sphinx. On the off chance that Atlantis truly existed the history ought to be revamped and it startles a great deal of scientifists. Additionally instructors are frightened of this reality. Look at this, if the excistince of Atlantis gets demonstrated. The opening theorie of the Bible, historicy changes, everything gets unique. We dont talk any longer about the primary human advancement in 4004 BC, no we begin to discuss the principal civilazation in 12000. Before the most recent ice-time. Perhaps, they even lived respectively with the dinosaurs, however that would get us excessively far. The lost of librarysIn old records and writing we find just Plato makes reference to unequivocally Atlantis while a ton of material was irremediably lost: for instance, the extraordinary library of Alexandria was singed thus for Syracuse s one. Particularly in Alexandrias library were kept thousand and thousand books that were consistently perused by the most astute individuals of the time (Tolomaeum, Plato, Solonis and so on.). In that library all Egyptians information was spared and it would have contained some data on Atlantis, since Egyptians are the main civilisation after speculative finish of Atlantis. Different scholars, going before or succeeding Plato, appear to allude to Atlantis in a roundabout way and they regularly imply an extraordinary island that were lowered in the sea. At that point, for quite a long time, during medieval age the subject was left separated and the name of Atlantis returned during 1500 and 1600. During Last two centuries little investigates in all t he world were made to find Atlantis ruins, particularly after Donnelly s hit, yet results are as yet poor and a few pieces of information were found unintentionally (Bimini divider, for instance). Gladstone, English PM, in the wake of perusing Donnellys book, attempted to organize an endeavor for discovering Atlantis, however nobody needed to hazard such an exploration. Specialist Ewing read Atlantic Ocean for a long time, yet he discovered nothing and in the long run finished up Atlantis never existed. Be that as it may, by breaking down Platos depiction on Atlantis we can attempt to get out reality with regards to Atlantis. Once more, this is an incredible way, to keep the legend alive, al the proof is lost. Words/Pages : 1,940/24
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Reviewing Thanks For Not Killing My Son English Literature Essay
Assessing Thanks For Not Killing My Son English Literature Essay With many paper distributions printed each day, TV and web, you may wonder Why might I have to peruse a short article distributed in a school English book? All things considered, I will reveal to you the genuine anecdote about this short article. All the more significantly, I will disclose to you why you should understand it. The paper Thanks for Not Killing My Son by Rita Schindler stands apart from the group since it is sincerely serious, inexhaustible in visual sentences, and interesting. As a matter of first importance, Rita Schindler consolidates enticement and influence methods in only 38 lines, every one of them conveying full-sway sentiments, making this article sincerely exceptional and compelling. The Torontonian mother, whose child was barbarously beaten by certain outsiders, composed the articles title in a way that quickly gets the perusers consideration. Much obliged for Not Killing My Son isn't utilized as a structure to offer thanks to somebody, however is rather utilized as incongruity. The consistent redundancy of the thank you will make you wonder at the moms peaceful reaction to her children beating, and will likewise manufacture feeling. In any case, before the finish of the exposition, when the moms expressing gratitude toward turns into an example, you start to comprehend the sympathy of a caring guardian. Utilizing inferred dismay through the whole exposition, Schindler makes another sort of feeling for the peruser. When Schindler says à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ â ¦thank you for his visual perception, his hearing and his hands which you could have effectively squashed (8), you may feel that a comparative assault can truly influence you or somebody you care about. The contention raises to a peak in the last point, which recommends a definitive misfortune to guardians, the demise of a kid. At the point when the creator says, You could have kicked him to death, however you just left him to pass on. Much thanks to you. (Schindler 11), she insinuates what may well have come about because of the activities of the assailants. When you wrap up this paper, itll uncover you a last feeling; the mother leaves demise as far as possible, since its an idea she might not ever want to understanding. Furthermore, you will discover this paper plentiful in visual sentences, making this another successful method to catch your eye. When you begin understanding it, I can guarantee you that youll acknowledge how amazing those visual sentences are. He was left lying in a pool of blood from an open head wound (Schindler 3) is the start of the third section and reflects quickly the savagery of the assault. Additionally, its the ruthlessness of the assault itself, yet the way that they leaving somebody lying oblivious in a recreation center back street in December. Perusing further, you understand that this thought of utilizing visual sentences turns out to be all the more terrifying in light of the fact that the creator has utilized instances of real occasions as opposed to speaking all in about the idea of brutality (Schindler 5, 6, 7, 9). At long last, the exposition is very intriguing making it applicable to our occasions, since it brings up issues about law implementation, kids instruction, or vengeance. Since the assault against his creators child happened at some point between 1.30 p.m., Dec. 8, and 1 a.m., Dec. 9,㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦in the Victoria Park-Terraview region (Schindler 3), the primary idea that may enter your thoughts would be about the conviction that all is good and law requirement in the city of Toronto. You may consider this when you read this sentence: when his companions were discussing retribution, I heard him state, No, I dont need somebody elses mother to experience what mine has. (Schindler 10). Our general public needs to change the manner in which we authorize the law, so vengeance ought not be our anxiety. The exposition is likewise applicable to our occasions since it makes you consider todays parental direction identified with road savagery. You may state that there is no association between those two, yet when five folks and two girls㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦beat [up] one individual (Schindler 9), these demonstration certainly shows that parental direction was not powerful for this situation. Any parent must exercise steady direction and consideration regarding their children, and you can discovered this thought in the last sentence of the article: I trust that some time or another youll have kids and love them as much as I love mine, however I wouldnt wish on your youngster what you did to mine. (Schindler 13). All in all, when perusing Thanks for Not Killing My Son you will find a sincerely exceptional, provocative exposition that is brimming with visual sentences. Giving you those motivations to peruse Rita Schindlers article, we should put forth an attempt and demonstrate that the accompanying rhymes from a notable tune aren't right, and we can change this stunning world that we live in. Theres a major issue with the present reality. I dont recognize what it is. Somethings amiss with our eyes. Were seeing things in an alternate manner, and God knows it aint His. It sure aint nothing unexpected. Livin on the edge.â [1]â
Friday, August 21, 2020
What Are Proverbs
What Are Proverbs Proverbs are commonly used expressions that illustrate a specific point. They differ from idioms because idioms dont always make literal sense, but if you have a context, you can usually work out what a proverb means. Here are a few examples of idioms: I passed the exam by the skin of my teeth. Im fed up with waiting for him! He always rubs me up the wrong way. If we were to look at these literally, theyre just nonsensical. Since they are often used, however, most people will know what they mean even though they dont have any skin on their teeth, havent been fed lately, and didnt get a massage from a clumsy person. Proverbs, on the other hand, do make a weird sort of sense, especially when you have the context of the situation. My mom was always against beatings, but my father would say: Spare the rod and spoil the child. You really made a fool of yourself, but theres no use crying over spilled milk. Dont just invest in that business because it sounds nice. Check out their financials; you need to look before you leap. I searched and searched through my overstuffed closet, but finding my best tie was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. After he was rude to me, I wanted to hit him, but two wrongs dont make a right. In our first example, the fictional father is taking words straight out of the book of Proverbs in the bible. You can see that the discussion is about beatings or corporeal punishment. You might use a rod to beat someone, and if a child is spoiled through lack of discipline, he or she will always insist on getting their own way. Whether you agree with beating naughty kids or not, you can see what the proverb means. Our other examples are non-biblical, but they are so old, and so well used, that finding their origins would be difficult. Crying over spilled milk means regretting something that has already happened and cant be undone. Looking before you leap means getting all the facts before you commit yourself. And although the guy who cant find his best tie isnt literally looking for a needle in a haystack, we can see that he thinks the task is as difficult. The last little bit of wisdom, two wrongs dont make a right, is really easy to understand. If I were to hit someone because they were rude to me, I might have a reason for my action, but it still wouldnt be right. You can get whole dictionaries full of proverbs, but some are more commonly used than others. Here are a few examples with their meanings: I wasnt sure how to behave in the high-class gathering, so I thought: When in Rome, do as the Romans do, and just followed their example. This proverb means behaving as everybody else does, and some people even abbreviate it to When in Rome because its so commonly used. I was going to argue with the shop manager after he treated me so badly, but the pen is mightier than the sword, so I wrote a bad review on Yelp instead. Written arguments are often stronger than spoken ones, or even using violence. You really ought to ask for help from others. After all, no man is an island. An island is all alone, surrounded by water, but people are surrounded by other people, and we can influence or help each other. How can you call others lazy when you are so lazy yourself? People who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones. Dont always point out your own faults in others. You have the same faults, and if someone were to mention them, you would have no defense. Ive been waiting for this letter for weeks! Still, better late than never! Something that should have happened earlier took a long time, but at least it happened eventually. You and I have a lot in common. Lets be friends! Birds of a feather flock together. People who are similar to each other often get along very well. They hang out with each other in the same way that birds of the same species often like to congregate. I could write a book about my holiday, but instead, I think this photo explains it all. A picture paints a thousand words. Sometimes, pictures are even more expressive than any words that could be said. You can get the whole idea just by looking at it, instead of having to read a lot of text. When they released the new PlayStation, I was waiting outside the shop before it opened. The early bird catches the worm. If youre quick to go in search of what you want, your chances of success are greater. But was the worm also early? Perhaps he was just coming back from last nights party. Proverbs can be very cliched because they are used a lot, but they do come in handy at times when youre looking for a good way to say something and want a phrase that everyone will identify with because it reflects accepted wisdom. (Photo courtesy of James Lumb)
Monday, May 25, 2020
My Philosophy Of Teaching Mathematics - 1545 Words
My philosophy of teaching mathematics is based upon the belief that the curriculum should be centered on the students. My job as an educator is to provide the students with a variety of knowledge, and to help them achieve their goals; to make sure they reach their full potential. When working with children, it should never be about the teacher. It is all about the individual children and their needs will always be a first priority. As an educator, I have mixed feelings about Common Core Mathematics. I was not originally taught to think abstractly in math as a student myself and while some strategies are I believe useful to the visual preference learners, I still believe that the stages they wish the students to cover certain topics are far above what the students are developmentally capable at that age. I also believe that while they give much importance to addition and subtraction for a large portion of 1st and 2nd grade, they leave a very small amount of attention to real world con cepts such as money and telling time. I believe that not putting priority in topics such as money and telling time, is poor judgment on these valuable skills. If the students cannot classify coins and their values, it is a skill that in the near future will be forever lost if society begins to depend on computers and technology to take over these basic tasks. That also goes for telling time on a face clock. While analog clocks are more common and people are more inclined to use their phonesShow MoreRelatedMy Philosophy On The Philosophy Of Education844 Words  | 4 PagesIn mathematics, as in life, everything must be brought to the simplest of terms. I base my teaching philosophy on the foundation that every student is capable of learning mathematics. 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As a teacher not only do you teach students, but teachers are parents, social workers, nurses, and even friends. A good teacher should be able to play all of these roles and will be successful throughout their teaching career. I attended public schools, so I got the good, the bad, and the ugly of every
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Leadership Theory Vs. Model Of Leadership - 1529 Words
The current essay focuses on leadership practices. It is evident that one of the key strategies to gain success is the technique of developing leadership. Effective leadership practice helps to boost organizational performance. There have been many researches that are performed on leadership practices to understand its type, implementation and effectiveness in business. The scholars have mentioned that implementation of leadership theories and models could help the organization in developing organizational performances. However, those theories and models need to be implemented based on requirements or environments. It is necessary to learn about which theory or model of leadership contribute to develop organizational performance or†¦show more content†¦Thereafter, conducting an extensive research, Janine implemented her first initiative of developing a business with a unique concept, which was entirely different than anything else in the world. Janine’s vision was to â€Å"do retailing differently†by providing unique experience to customers on the basis of â€Å"love of life philosophy†. It has been identified that Janine’s leadership style was natural, warn and extremely demanding, which further created excellent performance culture in her business. Describing her approaches to leadership aligning with leadership theories With the unique leadership style implemented by Janine has benefited her in achieving organisational goals and objectives. In order to run the business more effectively first in domestic market Janine was concerned with expanding upon the Australian Boost business. The objective of implementing this strategy was to take control over the solid foundation, which has been created with Boost to gain the ability of bolting on new and large brands Von (Krogh, Nonaka and Rechsteiner 2012). This has built the confidence of increasing market share and growth. One of the most important factors found in Janine’s leadership approach was, she encourage people in doing the things that people love to do. A business is not all about earning profits become the one in the world as mentioned by Furman (2012). Thus, Janine Allis was concerned with fulfilling the needs and wants of people and through herShow MoreRelatedSit uational Leadership Theory Vs. Model864 Words  | 4 PagesSituational leadership theory or model comprises a few key elements. These include four styles of leadership, the maturity level of the subordinates and the developmental models. The four leadership styles According to Hersey and Blanchard, there are four basic leadership styles association with the situational leadership model. The four are: telling, selling, participating and delegating. Telling As the name suggest, this leadership styles refers to an almost autocratic leadership role in whichRead MoreLeadership Model Essay730 Words  | 3 PagesWhat is leadership? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Benjamin Franklin And Olaudah Equiano - 1127 Words
Benjamin Franklin and Olaudah Equiano lived during the same time period. Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the Untied States, and his commitment to making his country better was remarkable. Benjamin Franklin wrote his autobiography from 1771- 1791. Franklin passed away before he was able to see his autobiography published in 1791. Olaudah Equiano was a young boy when he was kidnapped and sold into slavery. He was forced to work on naval vessels and on plantations in Virginia. Equiano published his interesting narrative in 1789. Franklin writes about his life as a key figure of American civilization. Equiano writes about his life as a slave and abolitionist against slavery. The autobiographies of Ben Franklin and Olaudah†¦show more content†¦The authors also have different exigences for writing their autobiographies. Benjamin Franklin wrote his autobiography to help citizens of America, and inform them on his life accomplishments. Franklin wanted to help citizens pr osper in their lives just like he did. Franklin gives tips and lays out ways to be a better person throughout his autobiography. The main example of his exigence is the virtues he explains. A few of the virtues Franklin explains are, â€Å" Order- Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time. Industry- Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions. Tranquility- Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.†Franklin includes these virtues in his autobiography to provide the reader with ways to become a more successful person in life. Franklin wanted to give readers of his autobiography an outline of how to become successful in life through a few quick and easy steps. Olaudah Equiano’s main exigence or purpose for writing his autobiography is to provide the reader with knowledge of slavery. Equiano wanted everyone to know how cruel slavery was, and how unfair and poorly slaves were treated. He did this through telling his story as a slave during late 1700s. Equiano supports his purpose withShow MoreRelatedOlaudah Equiano And Benjamin Franklin1073 Words  | 5 PagesTanis Baumann 10/31/17 2nd Olaudah Equianos and Benjamin Franklin compare and contrast Olaudah and Benjamin where both different and similar in may ways and their own modes of writing and writing styles exhibit their own attitudes to the cause they cared about. Olaudah Equiano, was a former enslaved African and he wrote autobiography showing the horrors of lobbied and slavery and advocated for its abolition. Benjamin Franklin was a printer whose success as an author led himRead MoreEssay about Influences of the Revolutionary Era1587 Words  | 7 Pagesthe United States has been molded by the actions of numerous individuals of the past. Three highly influential individuals of seventeenth century America were Abigail Adams, the second first lady of United States; Benjamin Franklin, an innovator and political powerhouse; and Olaudah Equiano, a slave that acquired his freedom and went on to write an autobiography of his journey. Abigail Adams â€Å"Abigail Adams became one of the revolutionary era’s most articulate and influential women†(Foner, 2012, pgRead MoreReflection On Reading Doctrine Three1215 Words  | 5 PagesPart 1: When reading doctrine three, I came to the conclusion that it talks about having the ability to look â€Å"outside of the box†and at times to listen to someone else’s reasoning. 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Both were vying for the same land, and both were fighting for survival. This lack of understanding and commonality between the two cultures is a situation which is recurring in captivity narratives. Olaudah Equiano like many other slaves was put in a ship ready for a journey overseas but they were not ready for the voyage or the ordeal that befell slaves on such treacherous voyages. Before he had only heard narratives about the cruelty meted on hapless slavesRead MoreEarly American Literature Influenced by Religious Ideologies and Philosophies1769 Words  | 8 Pagessimplicity above all else. They also believed that every human being is born sinful and that God’s grace was given freely to everyone. Olaudah Equiano was a puritan writer and in The Interesting Narrative of The Life of Olaudah Equiano portrays his love for God with, â€Å"Behold God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid†¦ Praise the Lord†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Equiano 1). Equiano writes in thoughts and this narrative of his life is written in a subjective manner while highlighting the main events. When he tellsRead MoreBrief Survey of American Literature3339 Words  | 14 Pages1730s-1740s) Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Thomas Paine (1737-1809) Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) Olaudah Equiano (1745?-1797) Philip Freneau (1752-1832) Phillis Wheatley (1753-1784) Hannah Webster Foster (1758-1840) Enlightenment and establishment of the nation Benjamin Franklin a second-generation immigrant of English descendent Writer, printer, publisher, scientist, statesman, and diplomat, he was the most famous and respected private figure of his time. Benjamin Franklin recorded hisRead MoreThe Tribe Not Only Kidnapped Mary Rowlandson1263 Words  | 6 PagesSeries†, â€Å"America: A Concise History and American History Concise Documents†, â€Å"Lauter Heath Anthology of American Literature Volume A and B Fifth edition Plus New Riverside Captivity narratives†, â€Å"Sovereignty and the Goodness of God and Benjamin and William Franklin and Narrative: Life of Fredrick Douglass 2e†, â€Å"Sovereignty and the Goodness of God and Attitudes Towards Sex in Antebellum America and Black Americans in the Revolutionary Era and Great Awakening and Democracy in America and Lincoln, SlaveryRead MoreThe History of American Literature3501 Words  | 15 Pagesfounded in 1704, and joined by the Boston Gazette in 1719. At a time when newspaper journalism was concerned primarily with reporting political events, the New-England Courant, started by James Franklin in 1721, became the first newspaper to include literary en tertainment. Franklins younger brother Benjamin Franklin published humorous social commentary in the Courant under the pen name of Silence Dogwood . Magazines also appeared for the first time in the colonies during the mid-1700s. Before 1800 magazinesRead MoreBibliographic Essay on African American History6221 Words  | 25 PagesBibliographic Essay on African American History Introduction In the essay â€Å"On the Evolution of Scholarship in Afro- American History†the eminent historian John Hope Franklin declared â€Å"Every generation has the opportunity to write its own history, and indeed it is obliged to do so.†1 The social and political revolutions of 1960s have made fulfilling such a responsibility less daunting than ever. Invaluable references, including Darlene Clark Hine, ed. Black Women in
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Product Life Cycle of Nokia free essay sample
Kapil Kumar 1807 A01 Regd Id 10810515 The product life cycle The most effective way to reduce the impact on the environment is to integrate environmental considerations into the product development process. To do this, designers must consider the environmental impact of materials, energy and toxicity across an e–product’s entire life cycle. The product life cycle begins when raw materials are extracted from the earth and ends when the materials from the products are reused, recycled, recovered or discarded. Currently, most of what we produce goes straight to landfill. The aim is to close the loop and recycle materials back into the manufacturing process. This will conserve the earth’s mineral resources, save energy (by reducing mining and transportation) and reduce waste. NOKIA PRODUCT CYCLE Life cycle thinking, the so called â€Å"cradle to grave†approach, requires that environmental performance of all members in the chain is known and managed. M= Material E= Energy W= Waste Emissions FROM START TO FINISH Ever wondered where your toaster came from? Every product goes through many different Stages from the raw materials to the finished item and production processes Raw materials Stage 1 mining metal ore and smelting into metal alloys *pumping oil and cracking into fuel to make plastics *refining sand into glass and semiconductors *cutting trees and processing them into wood or paper Manufacture Stage 2 Manufacture – parts formation and assembly *transforming material into part via mould or tool *combining parts into subass emblies *combining subassemblies into products *packing products for distribution Purchase Stage 3 Purchase – from shelf to users *exposure of product in retail outlet *support by advertising media *information about product (staff, advertising, leaflet) Use Stage 4 Use – consumption of product installation of products *First use *regular use *maintenance and repair Stage 5 Disposal – collecting and moving the used product *consumer uses the collection system *collectors decide whether the product is reusable, recyclable, or disposable Stage 6 Disposal – reuse, recycling and disposal, and sorting and processing *If reusable, the product is serviced, repackaged and redistributed *If recyclable, the product is disassembled: recyclable components are sent to recycling Centers and non-recyclable components treated as disposable *If none of these apply, the product is land filled or incinerated The complete life cycle of Nokia Commitment to protecting the envi ronment is an integral part of the Nokia Corporate culture and it is embedded in our values. –Life cycle thinking, a conceptweare working to embrace, covers all environmental concerns relating to our products. We believe that Nokias open and ethically sound approach will help us reach the goal of sustainable development – Chairman of the Board and CEO, Jorma Ollila Sustainable development is defined as meeting the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Environ- mental protection is not something that can be added on at the end. It comes at the beginning, taking into account all phases of the product lifecycle. In old school environmental manage- meant a company is responsible only for Its Own environmental impact. At Nokia, however, we have adopted a life cycle concept of environmental management. This concept takes into consideration all phases of the products life cycle, from design and raw mate- rails, to manufacturing and packaging, distribution and use, and finally to end of life treatment. For this reason, the environmental policies and performance of our suppliers are an important part of our own environmental performance. Hence we take environmental issues into consideration when assessing potential or existing suppliers. Environmental management is not a separate process but an integral part of all our operations, and those of our suppliers, inseparable from the processes of manufacturing, distribution and disposal. To reach that goal, we make continual improvements in our own environmental performance, and expect the same of our suppliers. Nokia environmental guidelines for our suppliers. The supplier shall have an environmental policy. This policy, a statement of the organisations environmental principles and intentions, provides the framework for action. It shall be approved by the companys management and be relevant to the organization and its operations. When the organization is part of a larger one, its sub-policy should not be in conflict with policies at higher levels, but should provide more detail and be relevant to individual locations. The policy shall include commitment to environmental protection, prevention of pollution, Compliance with environmental legislation, and continual Improvement. The supplier shall evaluate its suppliers environmental performance and set Environmental improvement targets as necessary. The environmental performance in each stage of the entire supply chain Contributes to the total environmental impact of the final product. This cradle to grave approach adopted by Nokia requires that the environmental performance of all members of the chain is known and effectively managed. This ex- tends upstream along the supply chain to suppliers of components and to the extraction of raw materials. Going downstream this covers the use of the product, as well as the eventual disposal or recycling of components or materials. The supplier shall upon request declare the raw material content of its Products delivered to Nokia. Customers are placing increasing demands for full material declaration, i. e. the total raw material content of the product. This demand applies throughout the whole supply chain. This information is needed in order to utilize the material in the best possible way, e. g. for recycling purposes. A full material declaration is preferable; from the start a minimum requirement is A list of environmentally relevant materials according to a list provided by Nokia End of Life (EoL) practices The supplier shall upon request provide end of life treatment Recommendations for its products. Producer responsibility will require the producer to take back and recycle certain types of end products at the end of their useful lives. Recycling can mean one of several options, e. g. reuse, recycling, refurbishment or conversion. In order to manage the recycling process and increase the eco-efficiency of the process, it is necessary for us to have the relevant data on the raw materials and treatment of the components in our products.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Semantic Information Extraction From Data Bits to Knowledge Bytes
Semantic Information Extraction: From Data Bits to Knowledge Bytes Semantic information extraction is a boring name for a fascinating task: pulling out meaningful data from textual sources.Semantic Information Extraction and the New Digital DisorderIn his book â€Å"Everything is Miscellaneous – the power of the new social order†, David Weinberger writes:When you have ten, twenty, or thirty thousand photos on your computer, storing a photo of Aunt Sally labeled â€Å"DSC00165.jpg†is functionally the same as throwing it out, because you’ll never find it again.Cit. Everything is Miscellaneous – the power of the new social order, p. 13Now, take this understanding and extrapolate it on a corporate plane, where every day thousands of emails, customer service records, presentations, logs of calls, supplier lists, employee records and a myriad of other texts and text chunks flow around the business unutilized.Functionally, they all end up where Aunt Sally’s photo does: in the trash. Or at least filling someoneâ₠¬â„¢s computer, deemed to oblivion.The way out of this oblivion is semantic information extraction a brave new trail to blaze, where textual sources are utilized properly and they fuel data-driven visions, conclusions and discoveries.With semantic information extraction, text chunks become data bits, data bits become semantic metadata and semantic metadata become knowledge bytes data pieces, ready to be leveraged for insights, decisions and actions. From Text Chunks to Data Bits: Traditional Information ExtractionTraditional information extraction turns text chunks into data bits, which involves finding and classifying pre-specified names in texts in order to extract and gather clear, factual information. Typically, information extraction is applied to free-flowing textual sources, such as legal acts, medical records, social media interactions and streams, online news, government documents, corporate reports. By translating these into structured, machine-readable data, information extraction enables content classification, integrated search, content management and delivery.As useful and valuable as this process is for many tasks that benefit from automation such as gathering structured information from multiple sources, media monitoring, drug discovery, scientific research and more, information extraction can be even more powerful.Integrating semantic technologies in the traditional information extraction process tames the powers of the content hurricanes our digital world exposes us to and uses their force to create knowledge.The Road Less Travelled: From Data Bits to Knowledge Bytes For data bits to become knowledge bytes, semantic information extraction comes into play. Click To TweetTo the traditional information extraction, where texts are transformed into data pieces, it adds another layer of richness in the representation of texts as data, turning them into semantic metadata, that is, into knowledge bytes. Semantic information extraction, also referred to as semantic annotation or semantic enrichment, makes the shift to the next level by including semantics to the information extraction process. Thus textual sources are not only converted into machine-processable facts, but further enriched with machine-readable links, references and relationships.With semantic information extraction, capturing and making sense of all sorts of data is much more effective than other alternative approaches. It is not a silver bullet for enterprise knowledge management, but is still a powerful tool for connecting, integrating and analyzing where data bits become knowledge bytes. Linked Data For Lean Enterprise Data Management from OntotextFrom Knowledge Bytes to EverywhereSemantic Information Extraction revolutionizes the way we think about textual sources. It helps seeing texts, scattered across the web and corporate intranets every document, every business record, every email as an asset.Put toget her, these small pieces of information from a disparate range of textual sources add up to a 360-degree view of an organization, of its content and its context. This opens up many opportunities for interactive representation and use of content, as well as for a super efficient search that enables accomplishing certain tasks in minutes.To mention just a few applications for which semantic information extraction lays the foundation:integrated search across all sorts of textual data;automatic relationship discovery;content recommendation;discovery of references to concepts and entities;integration of disparate and seemingly unrelated sources.Turning texts into data bits allows algorithms to enter the processes of risk management, fraud detection, retrieving of facts and statistics, investigating connections, keeping up with compliance standards, tracking consumer behavior and much more.The moment textual sources are translated into the language of semantic metadata and further structur ed into a Knowledge Graph, the overwhelming digital mazes of content suddenly transforms into a well-structured organized space with integrated data pieces, ready to become understanding, actionable information and ultimately knowledge.Want to learn transform text-associated hurdles into content-related opportunities?
Monday, March 9, 2020
A Punk Hero essays
A Punk Hero essays Growing up, there are many unexplainable feelings and emotions a teenager may face. A good way of dealing with these emotions is to relate to a literary or sports figure that has had success in their life. I would never imagine how Kurt Cobain could embody both the frustration of my adolescence and express the distress through his music. Through analyzing the success of Nirvana, the meaning of their songs, and the effects on my life it becomes clear Kurt Cobain has become one of rocks most influential figures. This punk Seattle band moved almost mainstream almost overnight. Nirvana caught on fast and changed rock and roll music forever and molded the music of the 90s, alternative. With the support Kurt hated the music of big rock bands like the Sex Pistols, Rolling Stones and Aerosmith. He felt their lyrics were sexist and pointless with no meaning. Kurt was a very sensitive and emotional person, a characteristic that showed through all of his songs. Eventually he became so famous that he a cult following. The songs exemplified the kids world. In the song Dumb Kurt sings, I think Im dumb over and over again to show how his years of neglect from his peers at high school and his family made him feel as if he was to blame. Kids relate to his music because it portrays how the world was so cruel and how he and the kids were treated badly. He was responsible for the most creative rock music of the last decade. Kurt didnt have to hide behind face paint or wear tight clothes to grab attention as the other rock stars. He wore flannels and jeans, something that every other kid wore, and he wasnt ashamed by it. In one song Come As You Are Kurt sings Come as you are as I want you to be. He wanted to show the youth that they dont have to follow the crowd and do something someone else wants them to do to fit in. Every modern alternative song has a tin...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Lggerhead Sea Turtles and their migration and why they are protected Research Paper
Lggerhead Sea Turtles and their migration and why they are protected - Research Paper Example The U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) has also listed sea turtles species as being one of the most endangered species on the planet. Unfortunately, scientists claim that Loggerhead sea turtles could face extinction in less than five decades. The loggerhead sea turtles are under the threat of extinction in the near future due to the human activities on their habitat that has seen their number decrease exceptionally fast, according to a report. Loggerheads sea turtles are also regarded as the species that migrate frequently over their lifetime particularly during the breeding period (Bowen et al., 1995). This paper will explore the loggerhead sea turtles in light of their features, distribution, and migration behavior, why they need protection and the protection measures already initiated to conserve the species. The loggerheads are arguably the largest hard-shelled turtle on planet, observed Kobayashi et al. (2008). The species were named so because of extra large head comprising of h orny beak, which is thicker than other sea turtle species are. Loggerhead sea turtles have exceptionally turf jaws, which enables them feed comfortably hard-shelled prey such as the conch and whelks. The adult loggerheads have carapace that is heart-shaped, and reddish-brown in color. Adult males differ from the female in the sense that they have long tails that protrude beyond the rare carapace (Kobayashi et al., 2008). Additionally, adult male loggerheads have narrow carapace tapering towards the rear. These species have been listed as being among the over 15,000 animal species facing the threat of extinction. Loggerheads were listed as endangered species in 1978, and since then efforts are being made to ensure that they are accorded the necessary protection to abate the extinction threat. Research shows that loggerhead sea turtles are among the species that make the longest journeys than any other sea turtle species (Witherington, Herren, and Bresette, 2006). They migrate long distances easily due to their adaptation for such movement. Report indicates that loggerheads usually migrate more than 7,500 miles between their nesting beaches in Japan and Mexico here they feed, notes Witherington, Herren, and Bresette (2006). Since loggerheads are slow in movement, they have turf shell that protects them from predators in the event of an attack. Distribution Loggerheads are regarded as a circumglobal animal present throughout tropical and temperate regions of Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. Researchers have shown that loggerheads are the most abundant sea turtles in the United States’ coastal waters. The loggerhead sea turtles in the Atlantic Ocean range extend from Newfoundland to Argentina. The species nests mainly during summer seasons in the subtropics. In the U.S., the species nesting concentration is found in North Carolina through to the southwest Florida. Research indicates that very few nesting occurs outside this range particularly in Texas and Virginia. Adult loggerheads normally migrate frequently between foraging areas and nesting beaches. However, during non-nesting periods, adult female loggerheads from the U.S. beaches distribute themselves in waters off eastern U.S., the Gulf of Mexico, Greater Antilles, Bahamas, and Yucatan (Kobayashi et al., 2008). Most loggerhead nesting takes place in the western part of Indian and Atlantic Oceans. A study
Thursday, February 6, 2020
An analysis of stakeholders and the impact that implementation of Case Study
An analysis of stakeholders and the impact that implementation of particular option will have on them - Case Study Example An analysis of stakeholders and the impact that implementation of particular option will have on them There is little doubt in the fact that the third option is likely to have a positive impact on the image and reputation of the company. The latter is likely to react to it with a boost of performance. In this case the following opportunity emerges: the company will be able to restore its good name. However, the major challenge that is posed by the option is that it will probably have a negative impact in terms of finances, but in the long term perspective it will surely win. The next important stakeholder, the role of which cannot be undermined is Halo Ethical Fund. It is identified as the body that has made the biggest investment and, therefore, it will be affected by the decision a lot. It is quite obvious that this stakeholder is likely to experience serious negative impacts that are brought by the option three, since it will involve more investment and the price per stock is not likely to rise in the future. However, the best reaction in this case would be implementing the chosen option and making sure that it brings the positive consequence in the future. If this stakeholder takes half measures, the outcome will be devastating. Speaking of the opportunities that it might experience, one should point out that if option three works out, the performance of the company will improve and so will the return on investment.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Ascorbic acid content of fruit juice Essay Example for Free
Ascorbic acid content of fruit juice Essay OBJECTIVE To determine ascorbic acid content in a sample of fruit juice by using titration method with 0.001M 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, C12H7O2NCl2. INTRODUCTION image00.png Structure of Ascorbic acid Ascorbic acid, the chemical term for vitamin C, are found naturally in fruits and green vegetables. It is a dietary requirement for normal metabolism, formation of collagen, wound healing, and tissue repair. Ascorbic acid is often used as an antioxidant to help prevent free radical damage in the skin, builds resistance to infection, aids in the prevention treatment of the common cold, and aids in the absorption of iron. Yet, vitamin C cannot be synthesized by the body, and needs to be ingested. A lack of vitamin C can cause abnormalities of the spine, scurvy, and a reduction in the ability of the body to heal wounds. The determining factors as to whether organic substances can be determined in an aqueous medium depend primarily on the functional groups that characterise the redox properties. The determination of ascorbic acid content is based on the oxidation of ascorbic acid to dehydroascorbic acid: C6H8O6→ C6H6O6 + 2e- + 2H+ image01.png The redox potential depends on the pH and without adequate buffering the pH at the electrode surface can be displaced by the oxidation reaction of the ascorbic acid leading to peak broadening. Vitamin C is found in fruit drinks such as orange juice and also other sources like vegetables, liver and kidney meat. Vitamin C in food can be destroyed by cooking, leaching out from fruits and vegetable during washing, and being oxidized when expose to the air. Thus, food that rich in vitamin C needs to be stored and prepared well. PROCEDURE 1. Standardization of 0.001M 2, 6-dichlorophenolindophenol solution. 25.00mL aliquot of ascorbic acid solution was pipette into a 100mL conical flask. 0.001M 2, 6-dichlorophenolindophenol solution is titrated until a faint colour persisted for at least 15 seconds. The molarity of the dye solution is calculated by the result obtained. 2. Ascorbic acid concentration of fruit juice is determined. 5mL of fruit juice was pipette into a 100mL conical flask. 10mL of 5M acetic acid, 5mL of acetone (prevent interference of SO2) and 30mL of water was added, then the mixture was allowed to stand for 5 minutes and titrated with 2, 6-dichlorophenolindophenol solution. 3. CuSO4 and bubbling to air. 2 flasks is set up and filled with 25mL of fruit juice in each flask. 1mg of copper sulfate is added to one of the flasks and both are put to bubbled air for 20 minutes. The titration is repeated at the completion of the 20 minutes of air bubbling. DCPIP is a chemical compound used as a redox dye. This dye is blue in base (DCPIP-) and pink in acid (DCPIPH) and the pink form can be reduced by ascorbic acid to a colorless form (DCPIPH2). image03.png Titration with 0.001M 2,6- dichlorophenolindophenol solution Reaction 1: DCPIP- (blue) +H+→ DCPIPH (pink) Reaction 2: DCPIPH (pink) + Ascorbic acid → DCPIPH2 (clear) +Dehydroascorbate If a drop of blue DCPIP dye is added to a low pH solution (pH4.0), it will turn pink (Reaction 1). If a suitable electron donor such as ascorbic acid is present in that solution, it will turn colorless (Reaction 2). When all of the ascorbic acid in the solution has been oxidized to dehydroascorbate, no more electrons will be available to reduce a drop of DCPIPH to the colorless form and the solution will remain pink (Reaction 2 will not take place). The end-point was a faint pink colour that persisted for 15 seconds. ( Acetic acid added in Step 2 (iii) and Step 4 of the method will reduce the oxidation of the ascorbic acid by lower the pH of the orange juice to retard the action of the enzyme polyphenol oxidase. If the pH is reduced below 3.0, the polyphenol oxidase will be inactivated. Acetic acid also reduces interference from any iron present, and thereby facilitates subsequent clarification of the extract. Since the ascorbic acid is not oxidized, it was existed in L-enantiomer form. Therefore, the L-enantiomer form of ascorbic acid was determined in this experiment. ( James , 1999 ) ( image04.png From the experiment, the molarity of the ascorbic acid and the dye solution computed are 0.001134 mol/L and 9.8425 Ãâ€"10-4 mol/L respectively. Hence, the concentration of the ascorbic acid in the fruit juice is 3.27mg/100ml which is much more lower compared to the amount stated in the product label (Sunkist) in which the ascorbic acid content is 150mg/100ml. The high discrepancy between these two values might be due to the oxidization of ascorbic acid, which was exposed to the oxygen for a period of time due to the insufficient of apparatus in the laboratory. This can be improved by not exposing ascorbic acid to oxygen, metals, light and heat, as it can be oxidized easily. Therefore, it must be stored in dark and cold and but not in a metal containment. The mechanisms of ascorbic acids degradation is commonly due to the effect of metal ions and the presence or absence of oxygen. The rate of oxidative degradation of ascorbic acids is commonly proportional to the concentration of ascorbate monoanion (HA-), molecular oxygen and the metal ion. It is known that uncatalyzed oxidation is essentially negligible but the presence of trace metals in food are responsible for most of the oxidative degradations. The potency of metal ions in catalyzing ascorbate degradation depends on the metal involved, its oxidation state, and the presence of cheletors. For example, Cu(II) is about 80 times more potent than Fe(III) while te chelate of Fe(II) and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (ETDA) complex is about 4 times more catalytic than free Fe(III). (Fennema , 1996) In this experiment, the potency of copper (II) sulfate in catalyzing ascorbate degradation was tested. One of the conical flask with only fruit juice act as control. It is titrated with 44.70ml of DCPIP for oxidation to occur. On the other hand, another conical flask with fruit juice and 1 mg of copper sulfate titrated with only 11.70ml of DCPIP for oxidation to occur. It is proven that the presence of metal ions responsible for accelerates the rate of degradation of ascorbic acid in an air-saturated fruit juice as less DCPIP is needed. During the step 5, bubbling through air is applied to the ascorbic acid to enhance the oxidation of ascorbic acid by the catalyst, copper. If not, it will consume a lot of time before the reaction can take place. Advantages 2,6-Dichlorophenolindophenol served as a good electron acceptor. DCPIP is used as the titrant because it only oxidises ascorbic acid and not other substances that might be present and it acts as a self-indicator in the titration It is reasonably accurate, rapid, and convenient. Can be applied to many different types of samples. Disadvantages The end point of a titration for this reaction is difficult to ascertain due to the lack of complete decolourisation of the DCPIP. These methods are not specific or are not very sensitive. The reagent itself is not stable and needs standardization before use. If the sample solution is intensely coloured (fruit juice or syrup), end point detection will be difficult. Better choice for vitamin C According to the hypothesis, content of vitamin C in fresh fruit is suppose to be higher than commercial packet fruit juice. Due to a lot of processing, most of the vitamin C in commercial fruit juice are destroy. The fewer amounts of millilitres of juice it took to turn DCPIP from blue to clear, the larger the amount of vitamin C there was in the drink. Many of the commercial fruit juice are heavily fortified with vitamin C. Conclusion The molarity of the ascorbic acid and the dye solution computed are 0.001134 mol/L and 9.8425 Ãâ€"10-4 mol/L respectively. The concentration of the ascorbic acid in the fruit juice is3.27 mg/100mL which is much more lower than the ascorbic acid content of the label product (15 mg/100mL). this might be due to the oxidation of ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is essential to humans. It is involved in the synthesis of collagen, which is the main constituent of skin, connective tissue, and the organic substance of bones and teeth. A deficiency of vitamin C results in a disease called scurvy. A quantity of 60 mg vitamin C per day is enough to prevent the disease, and this is the recommended daily dietary allowance (RDA). ( REFERENCES Ceirwyn S.James , 1999, Analytical Chemistry of Foods , An Aspen Publications , page 138,139 Owen R. Fennema, 1996, Food Chemistry, Third Ed., Marcel Deeker,Inc., pg 561,562
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Plague :: The Black Death
The Black Death caused a widespread death rate over the eastern and western parts of Europe during the fourteenth century. Not only did the Black Death take a devastating toll on human life, it also played an important role in shaping European life in years to come.      The Black Death came in three forms, the bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic. Each form killed people in it’s own vicious way. All forms were caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis. The most commonly seen form was the bubonic plague. The death rate was thirty to seventy five percent. The symptoms were inflamed lymph nodes, armpits, neck and groin. The victims were subjected to headache, nausea, aching joints, and fever of 101- 105 degrees, vomiting, and a general feeling of illness (The Black Death). Symptoms usually took one to seven days to appear.      The second most common form of the Black Death was the pneumonic plague; the victims often died before they could reach other places. The pneumonic plague mainly attacked the lungs. Symptoms included slimy sputum tinted with blood. (Sputum is saliva mixed with mucus exerted from the respiratory system.) The death rate was ninety to ninety five percent. Symptoms took one to seven days to appear.      The rarest form of the Black Death was the septicemic plague. The death rate was close to one hundred percent. The symptoms were high fever, and skin turning deep shades of purple, due to respiratory failure. Victims usually died the first day the symptoms appeared.      The disease was spread through an infectious fever caused by the Yersinia pestis, passed on by the rat flea. The infection spread to anyone that had contact with the diseased. The infected found themselves pierced by a pain throughout their whole body. Soon after they developed on their thighs or the upper arms a lump the size of a walnut which some people called them â€Å"burn boils.†This then pierced them until the patient violently began vomiting blood. The vomiting of blood persisted without stopping for three days, which didn’t give the victims any time to heal their wounds. Swellings continued to expand until they eventually exploded, with death following immediately after. The whole process from transmission to death usually lasted three or four days. The plague was deathly terrifying to have and to witness, the terrible pain and the bizarre appearance both made the plague especially terrifying. People could not only get infected through the transmission of the disease but by talking to the sick touching them or any of their things.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law: A Book Review Essay
There are a number of laws in any given society. These laws seek to manage the nature of relationships and transactions in the society. The intent is for society to be orderly, stable and based on justice (Black, 1979). In an ideal world where every human being is just and acts for the benefit of all, law might not be applicable anymore, but given the complexities of society, these laws are important in maintaining order and enforcing justice. Laws are written and legislated usually by the duly elected members of the legislature of the government in any nation. These laws are based on the norms, the value system and at times, the dominant ideology in the society (Dworkin, 1986). The major aspects of the relationships and transactions between and among humans are covered by the laws of the land. There are laws that define what is considered as crime in the society and how such crimes will be punished if committed by any member of the given society. There are also laws that govern the contracts and obligations entered into by two or more people. Laws like these prescribe the ideal nature of such contracts and obligations, and also stipulate what are prohibited. In addition to this, there are laws that seek to protect citizens from the negligence of others or any acts committed that may impinge upon the rights of others (Glenn, 2000). The properties of citizens are also protected under the law. Such property laws govern the ownership of people over land and other properties that belong to them. This way, their rights to their properties are protected. On top of these laws, the Constitution is the basic law that guarantees the freedoms, rights, and duties of the citizens of a particular country. The Constitution is also supported by other laws and policies that seek to reinforce and guarantee the freedoms and rights of the citizens. This body of laws collectively seeks to make society orderly (Glenn, 2000). Legislators write and enact laws for the society, the police and other government agencies enforce such lawsâ€â€those who uphold the law are rewarded, albeit subtly, and the violators are apprehended and punished accordingly. The violators are not punished immediately, however, as they are also entitled to be tried and litigated under the judicial system of the society where they belong to. This is where the judiciary steps in. Through the institution of the dispensation of justice, accused persons may argue about their innocence and the aggrieved parties may bring their cases to the judicial officials against the people who apparently wronged them. In this process, lawyers perform a significant task (Glenn, 2000). Lawyers in the Legal System Lawyers are the professionals who interpret the provisions of the laws of the society and looks at the principles in these laws and present solutions and applications regarding difficulties and interpretations of these laws. In litigations, the services of lawyers are hired by both the accused persons and the aggrieved party. This is because these laypersons do not have a nuanced understanding of the law, its applications, ambiguities and interpretations. As such, they would need the help of lawyers in sorting through their experiences and proving the merits of their case in the courts (Glenn, 2000). Consequently, they would seek redress in cases where their rights are impinged upon. This article reviews Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law, written by Lerman & Schrag (2005). It looks at the major topics covered by the authors as well as the main points they make in the book. It will also evaluate these arguments in light of several literatures written about the same subject matter. In order to review the book more effectively, the role of lawyers in the legal system and the kinds of relationships that they have with their clients should be reviewed first. This will provide a solid background about the law and the nature of the lawyers’ profession prior to the discussion of the major themes and issues discussed by Lerman & Schrag (2005) in their book. The law profession, however, is not limited to this kind of practice. There are various other ways in which lawyers use their knowledge and expertise. Several kinds of responsibilities are performed by lawyers, depending on the country in which they practice. These responsibilities include the following. For one, lawyers present legal arguments in the courts of law. In this regard, the lawyer represents his client in the court proceedings and presentation of arguments. Some countries may allow persons to present arguments in the courts without the help of lawyers. However, this may prove inefficient as individuals may not be aware of how the legal system works. Hence, lawyers make it possible for the proceedings to go as smoothly as possible (Kent, 2002). Lawyers are also engaged in the research, drafting and final writing of papers for the use of courts. Prior to the delivery of oral arguments, lawyers provide a brief of the backgrounds, facts and main points of the case. In short, lawyers are called upon to deliver both their written and oral arguments regarding the cases which they are handling. Before the actual process of litigation and court hearing, however, the lawyer would need to be in consultation with his or her clients about the provisions of the law and other matters that directly affect the case being brought to the courts. Even without litigation or court cases, lawyers still provide necessary legal advice to those who seek their services (Abel & Lewis, 1988). Part of the lawyers’ work is also the protection of intellectual property rights and the management of contracts. In relation to this, contracts are either drafted by a lawyer or the draft passes through them for review and revision in accordance with what the law allows in such cases. The transfer of deeds of real properties is also done by lawyers. The legal documents as well as the necessary processes are facilitated by the lawyer in this regard. Moreover, the wills, trusts of people who expect their demise soon; or those who have already passed away are implemented by lawyers. Lastly, lawyers prosecute or defend people who are suspected of having committed crime (Abel & Lewis, 1988). Before a person could practice law, he should have completed the prescribed course of study, and usually, he should have passed the bar examinations. The purpose of this is to ensure that those who practice law are indeed capable of doing so and that they are accountable to the government and to the society as a whole in the practice of their profession (Abel & Lewis, 1988). Lawyers and the Need for Regulation Requiring lawyers to acquire license prior to practicing law is one strategy in regulating the profession. Only those who pass the required standards would be able to practice law. Once the lawyers have their licenses, however, the necessity for regulation is still evident because of the relationship of the lawyer with its clients. The rights of the clients of lawyers should also be ensured and protected against the malpractice and abuse of lawyers. In some countries, the Department of Justice is the government agency that governs regulates lawyers. In other countries, it is the Supreme Court (Abel & Lewis, 1988). The role of lawyers in the society is important. As such, should they fail or make mistakes, they compromise the reputation of the profession. Because of the sensitivity of the relationship of lawyers with their clients, the need for regulation in the profession cannot be overemphasized. Against the backdrop of the ethical issues besieging the legal profession, the textbook on legal ethics written by Lerman and Schrag (2005) provides practical guidance together with an explanation of the foundational principles and the laws that govern the situations where issues of legal ethics may arise. Another important reason for the regulation of the practice of law is the existence of a myriad of ethical issues that should be confronted by lawyers in their profession. Lerman and Schrag’s (2005) Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law, explores the laws and other related institutions that govern and regulate lawyers and the way that they practice law. In addition to this, the authors dealt with the practical aspects of these laws as they apply to torts, contracts and obligations, the prosecution and defense of suspected criminals, real estate, family law and civil law. The authors formatted their book such that it would be easily accessible and readable. It also contains digests of important related doctrines to the topic that they are exploring. Such highlighting of related doctrines can be found throughout the book. They also presented judicial opinions in their edited versions so that the student will not need to go through every minute detail of the cases. In terms of presentation, the authors used the Socratic method of presenting questions and answers for the purpose of presenting the laws and the major issues governing such issues. Since the law profession is rife with ethical issues, the authors also found it expedient to include rules governing professional conduct. Such set of rules are important for lawyers in helping them practice their profession. This cursory examination of the book will be further expanded in the succeeding sections. A detailed review of the chapters of the book will be made. This review will also look at the language used by the authors, the level of language, the main points of their chapters and the solutions they provided to several problematic areas presented in the text. Background on the Authors The authors of Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law have had experience and authority in the subject that they have written about. They have had extensive classroom experience; they have also researched and practiced the law profession throughout their career and they have been engaged in the policy-making process. This broad range of experience make Lerman and Schrag as veritable authors in the field of legal ethics and their book is a testament to these experiences. Lisa G. Lerman Since 1987, Lisa G. Lerman has served as a law professor at the Columbus School of Law at the Catholic University of America. She has had extensive experience in teaching contracts, exercising lawyers’ professional responsibility and the practicum on public policy. In addition to this, she has written numerous articles on law firms, the practice of law, about lawyers, and law education. Her focus used to be domestic law; however, she has focused on the relationship of lawyers and clients, together with the issue of dishonesty of lawyers occupying her attention. Prof. Lerman has long been considered an expert on ethics on the legal profession. In recognition of her advocacy, she has been named the chair of the ABA National Conference on Professional Responsibility’s Planning Committee. Given these plethora of achievements and experiences, she is an authority on the subject she has co-written with Philip G. Schrag (Catholic University of America Website, 2007). Philip G. Schrag Philip G. Schrag, on the other hand, is a professor of Civil Procedure at Georgetown Law School of the Georgetown University. He is currently the Director of the Center for Applied Legal Studies. He also provides career guidance to lawyers through the Public Interest Law Scholars Program. He has also served as a civil servant by writing legislations, notable among these are New York City’s Consumer Protection Act of 1969 and his involvement with several boards and agencies of the government. He has written twelve books (Georgetown Law Website, 2007). Organization of the Book Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law has been organized thematically. It has ten (10) chapters that explore deeply and comprehensively the end-to-end practice of the legal profession from the provision of legal advice, the conduct of the representation of clients in the courts as well as the legal and ethical obligations of lawyers even after they have represented a client. The Regulation of Lawyers Chapter 1 deals with the regulation of lawyers. They explained the basis of the process of making prospective lawyers go through the bar examinations in order to get their license. They also enumerated and explained the institutions that make the regulations in the legal profession. These institutions are crucial in ensuring that lawyers are practicing their profession in accordance with the law and without impinging upon the rights of their clients. These institutions are: (1) the highest state courts; (2) bar associations; (3) lawyer disciplinary agencies; (4) the American Bar Association; (5) the American Law Institute; (6) Federal and State trial courts; and (7) the Legislatures among others. The authors also took a look at the law governing lawyers. They walked through the special provisions of this law and cited instances in which the provisions of this law could be useful and where there are ambiguities and vagueness. In addition to this, Lerman and Schrag provided cases and examples to illustrate the principles that they discussed. Lawyers and the Confidentiality of Clients Client confidences and the duties of lawyers to protect this confidential information is the subject matter of Chapter 2. The duo started out by defining the bases of confidentiality and the way that clients provide their trust to their lawyers. There are instances, however, in which this duty to protect confidentiality may be exempted and the law and national interest may even compel the lawyer to disclose some important matters confided to him by the client. In any case, however, the lawyer should never disclose confidential information from a client in the interest of personal gain or for the use of another client as this may be construed as a violation of the trust granted to the lawyer by the client. The chapter closes with several tips and suggestions on informing the clients about confidentiality and how such confidentiality may be protected.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Outsourcing to India Is the United States benefiting...
Outsourcing to India: Is the United States benefiting from it? I. Introduction â€Å"Did you hear the news? No, what happened? We are shipping all of the IT jobs to India †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Water cooler conversations are beginning to sound more and more like this. Outsourcing of jobs has become a major concern for employees at large corporations (technical or financial). The economic drought that the United States faced in 2000 to late 2001 led to numerous cost-cutting measures, but none more effective than that of outsourcing. The outsourcing of jobs is now a necessity in the United States, so companies are forced to send jobs to places such as India to keep costs down, all the while trying to balance the advantages and disadvantages of the move.†¦show more content†¦Other services that are currently being outsourced fall under the category of business process outsourcing (BPO) which includes payroll, billing, accounting, telemarketing and call centers. At this rate, almost every corporation will have main operations being done in a forei gn country with management staying in the United States. When should you outsource? If you are losing focus on your core business because you are too busy handling operations or if you are facing a time, money or human resource crisis, outsourcing is a solution[2]. Outsourcing can also allow you to be the first one in your market to gain that important edge to put you over the top. However, the main reason for outsourcing is that a mission-critical project needs to be finished, but there is a lack of specialized personnel to finish the project. Outsourcing is not done only to save money, but because the specialization is necessary for certain products. Where should you outsource? When companies are thinking of where to outsource, the first answer is India. This is because India has an abundance of technically skills people who are in need of employment. Corporations such as Intel, IBM, Cisco, Amazon, and Dell have already seen the benefits of outsourcing to India. The most common place to outsource is Bangalore, which is often called the SiliconShow MoreRelatedOutsourcing: Staying Competitive In The Global Market Essays1719 Words  | 7 Pagesaddress what key elements companies in this situation need to address, such as, quality of customer service provided, security of confidential information, and the possibilities of cost savings, in order to be sure that outsourcing is the best solution for their company. Outsourcing to Stay Competitive For companies to stay competitive in todays global market, many are facing the decision to outsource sectors of their company. By taking a part of their business offshore, a company can lower theirRead MoreUrban India vs. Rural India1322 Words  | 6 Pageshas allowed nations to connect with other nations through mediums such as the internet, fax machines, music and television. 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