Saturday, January 4, 2020
Outsourcing to India Is the United States benefiting...
Outsourcing to India: Is the United States benefiting from it? I. Introduction â€Å"Did you hear the news? No, what happened? We are shipping all of the IT jobs to India †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Water cooler conversations are beginning to sound more and more like this. Outsourcing of jobs has become a major concern for employees at large corporations (technical or financial). The economic drought that the United States faced in 2000 to late 2001 led to numerous cost-cutting measures, but none more effective than that of outsourcing. The outsourcing of jobs is now a necessity in the United States, so companies are forced to send jobs to places such as India to keep costs down, all the while trying to balance the advantages and disadvantages of the move.†¦show more content†¦Other services that are currently being outsourced fall under the category of business process outsourcing (BPO) which includes payroll, billing, accounting, telemarketing and call centers. At this rate, almost every corporation will have main operations being done in a forei gn country with management staying in the United States. When should you outsource? If you are losing focus on your core business because you are too busy handling operations or if you are facing a time, money or human resource crisis, outsourcing is a solution[2]. Outsourcing can also allow you to be the first one in your market to gain that important edge to put you over the top. However, the main reason for outsourcing is that a mission-critical project needs to be finished, but there is a lack of specialized personnel to finish the project. Outsourcing is not done only to save money, but because the specialization is necessary for certain products. Where should you outsource? When companies are thinking of where to outsource, the first answer is India. This is because India has an abundance of technically skills people who are in need of employment. Corporations such as Intel, IBM, Cisco, Amazon, and Dell have already seen the benefits of outsourcing to India. The most common place to outsource is Bangalore, which is often called the SiliconShow MoreRelatedOutsourcing: Staying Competitive In The Global Market Essays1719 Words  | 7 Pagesaddress what key elements companies in this situation need to address, such as, quality of customer service provided, security of confidential information, and the possibilities of cost savings, in order to be sure that outsourcing is the best solution for their company. Outsourcing to Stay Competitive For companies to stay competitive in todays global market, many are facing the decision to outsource sectors of their company. By taking a part of their business offshore, a company can lower theirRead MoreUrban India vs. Rural India1322 Words  | 6 Pageshas allowed nations to connect with other nations through mediums such as the internet, fax machines, music and television. 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